
  在考研中,有不少人被卡在英语上,相信准备考研的朋友,应该有一大部分英语已经放置很久了,所以英语一定要早复习,考研只有在充分的准备下才能成功。考研英语作文方面,适当地准备一些模板是 有好处的,至少速度都要提高好多,写作能力的提高是一个循序渐进的过程,因此,考试前一两个月开始背一些实用作文范文,是很有必要的。下面是广州文都考研小编为您整理的关于利益与良心的考研 英语看图作文范文。

  As is illustrated in the picture. a man stands on his"conscience" and exerts all his strength to reach "profit"that hangs high above. This picture vividly demonstrates thatin our modern society. a number of people chase all kinds ofinterests against their conscience. In everyone's life. thechoice between righteousness and profit is an inevitable andmajor issue.
  As we all know, profit is what everyone desires. It'snecessary for people to pursue profit in order to make aliving. Meanwhile. righteousness is the foundation andbasis of all interests. However. one cannot eat the cake andhave it too. Thus. the ancients teach us to "remember whatis right at the sight of profit" and "lay down our life forrighteousness". which are both our nation's traditional virtues.
  It is everyone's right to pursue legitimate interests tomeet individual's needs. At the same time. the relevantprofit for the living and development of an individual mustmeet certain social aggregate demand. Furthermore.achieving personal interests should It at the premise thatone should fulfill obligations for others and the society. that is. pin righteousness ahead of profit. In a word. it issignificant for us to correctly handle the relationship betweenrighteousness and profit. We should endeavor to enableourselves to he noble and virtuous.
  如图所示,一个人站在自己的“良心”上面使劲去够高高在上的“利益”。这幅图形象地说明了在现代社会.很多人昧着自己的良心追逐各种各样的利益.在人生的道路上,对于义和利的选择是每个 人不可避免的重大问题。
  众所周知.利是人之所欲。人要生存.就不能没有对利益的追求。而义是一切利的基础和根本。但是.鱼和熊掌不可兼得。因此古人教导我们要“见利思义”.要“舍生取义”,这些那是我们中华民族 的传统美德。
  每个人都有为满足个人需要追求正当利益的权利同时.个人生存发展需要的相应利益存在于一定社会的总体需求之中。而且.实现个人利益.必须以对他人和社会履行义务为前提.即先义后利。总之.我 们必须正确处理义与利的关系。我们应该努力使自己成为一个高尚的人一个有道德的人。

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