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进入 >
  A : Sir. how much do you want to draw?先生,您要取多少钱?
  B:RMB 8.000. please. 8 000元·谢谢。

  A : I'd like to deposit some money to my account.我要往我的账户里存钱。
  B : May I have your bankbook and the deposit slip?请给我您的存折及存款凭条。

  A:Would you please tell me my balance?请问我账上还有多少钱?
  B:Yes, madam. Your balance is RMB11.000.好的,女士。您账上的余额是11000元。

  A : What's the exchange rate for US Dollar today?今天的美元兑换率是多少?
  B : The present rate is 6.7 yuan to a dollar.目前的兑换率是1美元兑换6.7元。

  A : How much do you want to change?你要换多少钱?
  B : I want to have a hundred dollar bill broken up.我想把100元的钞票换开。

  A : How would you like it?您想要什么而额的钞票?
  B :I don't care about it. It's up to you.我不在乎面额。随你吧。

  1 .开户
  What kind of account do you want to open?你要开什么账户?
  ►I'd like to open::current account.我想开一个活期账户。
  ►A deposit or current account?定期还是活期?
  ►I want to open an account here.我要在你们这里开个账户。
  ►I want to close my current account.我要取消我的往来账户。
  ►Please go to Counter 1.请到1号柜台。

  I want to withdraw five hundred US dollars.我要取500美元。
  ► Please fill out the withdraw form.请填写取款单。
  ►May I with draw money against the letter of credit here?我可以在这儿用这份信用证取钱吗?

  I'd like to deposit some money.我想存一些钱。
  ► How much do you want to deposit with us?您想在我们这存多少?
  ► How much money do you want to deposit?您要存多少钱?
  ►What's the interest rate for savings account?储蓄账户的利率是多少?
  ► I want to deposit these cheques in my account.我想把这些支票存在我的户头上。

  How much money would you like to remit?请问您想汇多少钱?
  ► When will the remittance arrive?汇款什么时候能到呢?
  ► I want to send some money to New York.我想汇钱去纽约。

  Please enter the pass code of your account.请您输入账户密码。
  =Please enter the password.
  ► Please re-enter your password.请您再次输入您的密码。
  ► Your password is not correct.你的密码不对。


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