
  我只是随便看看。--I'm just browsing.

  我能试试这件吗?--May I try this on?

  我喜欢这件背心,它很配我的宽松牛仔裤。--I like this tank top,It goes with my baggy jeans.

  我只想随便买一些现成的衣服。--I just want to buy some off-the一rack clothes.

  这件衬衫即时尚又便宜。--This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive.

  我觉得这件衣服不合身。--I don't think this one will fit me.

  你的衣服不太搭。--Your clothes don't match.

  凭此宣传品打九折。--10% off with this flyer.

  部分商品降半价。--50% off on selected lines.

  详情问柜台。--Ask at the counter for details.

  明智的购物,透明的价格。--Brighter shopping,brighter prices.

  买一赠一。--Buy one and get anyone free.

  顾客至上。--Customer care is our top priority.

  好用实惠,物美价廉。--Easy to use and great value too.

  免费送货上门。--Free delivery to your door.

  买着放心。--Peace of mind from the minute you buy.

  你能帮我挑一件礼服吗?--Could you help me pick up a dress ?

  可以结账了吗?--Let me ring that up for you.

  你找到你喜欢的吗?--Do you find anything you like?

  你要些什么?--What can I do for you?

  有人招呼你吗?--Is there anybody waiting on you?

  你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗?--Would you show me this cup?

  请您试穿一下好吗?--Could you try it on please?

  我喜欢这一种。--我能试穿吗?--I like this one .May I try it on?

  你们有什么特卖品吗?--Do you have any on sale?

  你们有纯棉的裤子吗?--Do you carry hundred percent cotton pants ?

  你们能补货吗?--Can you get me one?

  如果我现在订一件西装,要多久才能接到货?--If I order a suit now,how long could it take before I got delivery?

  这个蓝色的怎样?--How about this blue one?

  这套西装多少钱?--What's the price for this suit ?

  我要付多少钱?--How much do I have to pay for it?

  你能便宜点吗?--Can you make it cheaper?

  A:这些领带要多少钱?--How much are these ties?
  B:100元卖给你。--I'll give it to you for 100.

  A:我要如何付钱?--How can I pay?
  B:先付头期款98美元,每月再付100美元。--First make a down payment of $98,per month to pay another $100.

  A:我能开支票吗?--May I write a check for you?
  B:对不起,我们不接受支票。--Sorry,we don't take checks.

  A:下午好,需要帮助吗?--Good afternoon sir and madam .can I help you.
  B:下午好,我们只是看看。--Good afternoon we've just looking around.

  A:需要帮助吗?--Can I help you?
  B:这件衣服很可爱但对我来说太小了.it's a lovely dress but it's too small for me.

  A:你喜欢这件套裙吗?--Do you like this dress madam?
  B:非常喜欢它的颜色。--I like the color very much.
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