
  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below
  Sometimes it is necessary to challenge what people in authority claim to be true. Although some respect for authority is, no doubt, necessary in order for any group or organization to function, questioning the people in charge-even if they are experts or leaders in their fields-makes us better thinkers. It forces all concerned to defend old ideas and decisions and to consider new ones. Sometimes it can even correct old errors in thought and put an end to wrong actions.
  Assignment: Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.
  Every person has his or her own idea of ethics and morality, regardless of objective truth. Authority figures, whether teachers, heads of nations, or other positions of power, may not always be in line with that morality. In order to determine whether an authority figure is doing what is just, individuals must speak out when they perceive injustice. Oftentimes, that means questioning authority.
  Dystopic novels often portray systems of national leadership in which questioning governmental authority is explicitly forbidden. George Orwell's novel 1984 is such a story. The government is known collectively as “Big Brother,” who is a symbolic entity continually watching over every citizen. The language, Newspeak, is constantly being updated to control people's expression and thereby control their thoughts. Anyone caught even thinking something other than Big Brother would want them to think are arrested by the Thought Police. Under this regime, there are virtually no independent thinkers. Every piece of information given to the people comes through the government, which has the power to change facts and history with utter impunity. The main character, Winston, manages to catch on, but in the end, he is finally brainwashed by torture. In this society of obedient drones, truth is irrelevant because there are no lies.
  When a student goes through formal education, he must be on his guard when it comes to what he absorbs. In the midst of objective facts, all too often a teacher may attempt to indoctrinate him with the teacher's own ideology. One need only look at the majority of United States universities. There are thousands of easily-accessed articles exposing documented incidences of teachers boldly instilling in their students the liberal ideology. Universities are cesspools of leftist professors who punish students who express differences of opinion. Yet without those few questioning students, the rest of the student body would be subjected to unadulterated liberal lectures, with nary an opposing view in earshot. In order to form proper opinions, students must be exposed to both sides of an issue, and both sides must be questioned so as to ascertain the truth of each.
  Leaders of other countries must also be questioned by nonresidents so as to discover precisely what is happening under their authority.
  1.effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position
  针对命题“质疑的观点和决定是否重要?”,本文分析到,“每个人都有自己独立于客观真理的伦理观和道德观。人士,如老师,国家领导或其他有权利的人不一定与这样的道德观相一致。”( Every person has his or her own idea of ethics and morality, regardless of objective truth. Authority figures, whether teachers, heads of nations, or other positions of power, may not always be in line with that morality.)并由此提出论点:“为了确定的行为是否合理,个人必须在他们感觉到不合理的时候直言不讳。通常,这就意味着挑战。”(In order to determine whether an authority figure is doing what is just, individuals must speak out when they perceive injustice. Oftentimes, that means questioning authority.)。
  为了证明这一论点,作者叙述和分析了两个例子。一个来自乔治·奥威尔的小说1984,而另一个则来源于生活--左翼大学教师对自由主义思想的宣扬。1984首先展示了小说中的政府是如何通过语言和思想警察来迫使人民完全接受当局思想的,接下来分析了不允许挑战的社会将会陷入怎样的灾难,即独立思想不复存在(Under this regime, there are virtually no independent thinkers.),以及谎言和真理混为一谈。(In this society of obedient drones, truth is irrelevant because there are no lies.)第二个例子分析了在现实生活中,如果不质疑老师的意见则有可能被一些偏激的思想误导,如自由主义思想。所以,“为了形成合理的观点,学生必须听到议题双方的意见,同时双方都必须接受质疑,以确保各方的真理性。” .(In order to form proper opinions, students must be exposed to both sides of an issue, and both sides must be questioned so as to ascertain the truth of each.)
  整篇文章事例贴切,分析深刻有力,展现了出色的思辨能力。 well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas
  文章首段提出论点,中间段用事例证明论点,末段结尾比较仓促,提出国家应该接受非居民的质疑,似乎是在对第二段的事例进行总结和升华,而对第三段的事例则没有提及。在叙述事例的时候,作者综合运用了表示目的的 “in order to” “but”,“in the midst of”, “but”,“yet”, “the rest of”等衔接词以及使用 “such” “this”等指示代词。段与段之间没有明显的过渡句,但整篇文章逻辑的发展十分清晰,可谓瑕不掩瑜。
  3.exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary
  4.demonstrates meaningful variety in sentence structure
  运用多种句子结构 free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics
  本文的作者使用了丰富、准确、恰当的词汇。如第一段用 “in line with” 表示“一致,符合”,很具形象感。第二段讲到政府可以不受任何惩罚而篡改史实时用了 “impunity”一词,准确而简练。第三段用 “indoctrinate” “instill” “be subjected to” “be exposed to”等词表达传达观点或听取某种观点,表现了词汇的丰富性。此外,作者要运用了丰富的句式。如插入语(Authority figures, whether teachers, heads of nations, or other positions of power, may not always be in line with that morality.);同位语(The language, Newspeak, is constantly being updated to control people's expression and thereby control their thoughts.);现在分词做后置定语(There are thousands of easily-accessed articles exposing documented incidences of teachers boldly instilling in their students the liberal ideology.)等等。此外,作者还运用了比喻的修辞手法(Universities are cesspools of leftist professors who punish students who express differences of opinion.)。全文长短句结合,参差有序。
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