



Last month I went to Beijing to visit one of my friends, because we haven’t seen each other for about two years and I got a holiday meanwhile. It is my first time to visit Beijing, which is always the dream city for all the Chinese. All the information about the city came from the books and TV, now I could see and get know of it by myself, how excited I am!


There were so many tourist areas in my plan list, like Tian’anmen Square, Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Perking University and so on. However, due to my short holiday I only visit several places of my list, with my friend’s companion. I will take a long tour to Beijing next time if I have the chance.




Pinocchio is an interesting fairy tale. It is about the experience of a puppet named Pinocchio. Pinocchio is only a Pinocchio at first, but later having life by a blue angel. But he is still a Pinocchio. If he wants to be a real boy, he has to passed the test for brave, loyalty and honest. However, he is too fun of play to skip school; being treated because of greedy and is hoisted by one's own petard. But at last he passes all the tests and become a real boy. His adventure experience is very interesting. And I am sure you can learn things from it. It is a book deserves recommending.

木偶奇遇记是有趣的童话故事。这是关于一个名叫皮诺曹的木偶的经历。皮诺曹一开始只是一个木偶而已,但后来因为蓝色天使赋予它生命。不过仍然是一个木偶。 如果他想成为一个真正的男孩,他就必须通过勇敢,忠诚和诚实的测试。然而,他因贪玩而逃学,因贪心而受骗,并且自食恶果。但最后,他通过了所有的测试,成 为一个真正的男孩。他的冒险经历是非常有趣的。我相信你肯定能从中学到东西。这是一本值得推荐的书。


My good friend is my deskmate, named li. He has a red, red, apple round face, there is a pair of big eyes, just like two shiny black pearl. There are thick and long eyebrows. Li smile is very lovely, will show two rows of teeth and two small dimple.

Li is a helpful person, there is one more time. I can't find my eraser, my heart is very worry, li seems to see that my state of mind, his rubber with a lever into two and a half of different size. When I give me the big piece, small to yourself. On another occasion, my pencils are thick, can't write. I haven't told li, li will actively lent me his pencil. Then I will want to privately, students have difficulty, later I will also actively to help him.

Li has many advantages but also disadvantages. Advantage is love to help his mother with the housework, such as sweeping the floor, mop the floor, wipe the table, the garbage, wash the dishes... . Defect is very "timid". Remember to have a math exam, after exam hair down, after li looked at the paper, said to me: "Dai Chi, I this problem is not right?" I looked at his examination paper and looked at my paper said: "this problem is right!" What turned out to be a teacher accidentally correction. What the teacher is in the classroom at this moment, but li didn't dare to say, the result the problem is still with a big "x".

This is my good friend, a helpful and "timid" sunshine boy






Tim and Jack had a quarrel, and then they didn’t talk with each other for a week. In fact, they misunderstood with each other. Tim thought Jack told the teacher his homework was copied. So did jack. Before this, they were good friends. But once they quarreled again, and spoke the true of fact. Then they cleared their misunderstanding and became friends again. From their experience, I learn that make everything clear is the best way clear the air.

提姆和杰克吵架了,他们有一周不跟彼此说话了。事实上,他们都误解彼此了。提姆以为杰克告诉老师说他的作业是抄的。杰克也同样误解提姆了。在这之前,他们 俩是好朋友。不过有一次他们又吵起来了,之后把事情说清楚。这样他们才消除了误会,重新成了朋友。从他们的经历中,我知道了消除误会的最好方法是把事情说 清楚。


A Family Picture

I am so impressed by the family picture, it took when I was in grade 6. At that day, my mother woke me up in the morning, she told me that I should wash my face quickly, today our family had an important thing to do. So I got dressed, after finishing everything, I asked my mom what would I do next, she said that our family would take a family picture, it meant so lot. I didn’t figure out what it was, but I thought it was so funny, so I stood as they asked, and smiled. Two years pass, I now understand the meaning of the family picture, I take the picture when I am out for school. Taking the picture is like my family around me.

对于全 家福,我的印象很深刻,那是我六年级时候照的。那天,妈妈一大早就叫醒我,她告诉我我应该快速洗脸,今天家里有很重要的事情去做。所以我穿好衣服,在我做 完一切以后,我问妈妈我接下来该做什么,她说家里待会要照全家福,这很重要。我不知道那是什么,但是我觉得那很有趣,所以我照他们说的站好和微笑。两年过 去了,现在我懂得了全家福的意义,当我在外学习的时候我带着。带着全家福好比家人在我身边。

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