


As an indispensable element of the Spring Festival customs in China, lucky money is a gift that every kid eagerly looks forward to during the Spring Festival. On Chinese New Year's Eve, the underage kids can receive a certain sum of cash from the elders in their family, which is called “lucky money”. It is believed that lucky money can bless the kids to have a safe and peaceful new year. The custom of giving lucky money has a long history and spreads up to now in China. It is an amulet the elders give their kids, representing the elders'fine wishes for the kids and blessing them with health and good fortune in the New Year.

压岁钱(lucky money )是中国春节习俗中不可缺少的一项元素,是每个孩子过年时都热切期盼的礼物。除夕夜,家中的长辈会给予未成年的孩子一定数额的钱,称之为“压岁钱”,据说压岁钱可以使孩子平平安安地度过新的一年。在中国, 给压岁钱的风俗源远流长,流传至今。它是长辈送给孩子的护身符(amulet), 代表着长辈对孩子的美好祝福,可以保佑孩子在新的一年里健康吉利。



压岁钱Lucky money

The spring festival is the loveliest in China, which is comes in February. Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it comes. In the spring festival holiday, people do many things, such as eat the dinner on the New Year‘s, set off fireworks, stroll the famous fair likes “Baiyunguan” fair. Especially for some children or teenager is “lucky money”。

On the first day of lunar, the young generation congratulates the old generation with “Happy New Year!”

Then the old generation will give the young some lucky money which wrapped with red paper or red envelope. Because red is a color with joyful. Lucky money means the old generation‘s love to the young and hope them can have a good luck in this new year. this is the lucky money which lots of the young want.


Now the year is coming, as a child, I love Spring Festival very much, because I can get a lot of lucky money. In China, the children can get the lucky money from the adults, then the kids say back some good wishes. I want to use my lucky money to buy toys and firework, I want a toy car, I see it from the cartoon. I also want to play firework with my friends.



Recently, a question asked by a college girl has become a hot topic under discussion. “Is it legal that my parents take away my New Year money”? As we all know, it is the Chinese traditional that children get money from their parents and relatives or parents’ friends during Spring Festival. And it seems normal that parents will take all or lots of money after kids receiving a red packet. Some people think it is inappropriate, while others hold the opposite views. For me, I agree with the later one. 最近,一个大学女孩提出的一个问题成为了讨论的热点。“我爸妈拿走我的压岁钱合法么”?众所周知,在中国的传统里,孩子在春节期间能从父母,亲戚和父母的朋友那里得到压岁钱。然后父母在孩子拿到红包之后拿走全部或者大部分的压岁钱也是很正常的事情。有些人认为这样不恰当,有些人持相反意见。对我来说,我同意后者。 Firstly, I think it is better that parents keep the money for kids. Since lots of kids are too young to have a good consumption plan. They might buy many toys or other stuff they want for a long time as soon as they have bunch of money. It’s bad for kids to establish a correct value. I think it is acceptable that parents take all the New Year money from young kids. And when they grow older, parents can take a part of it, and teach the kid how to become a rational consumer. 第一,我认为父母帮孩子存着压岁钱比较好。因为很多孩子都太小,还没有好的消费计划。他们很可能在一得到很多钱就去买一堆他们想要的玩具和其他东西。这样不利于孩子树立正确的价值观。我认为父母拿走小孩子全部的压岁钱是能接受的。在他们长大一些后,父母可以拿一部分,然后剩下的用来教孩子如何成为一个理性的消费者。 Secondly, I don’t see an eye to eye when the college girl said her parents take away her money is illegal. She thinks the money is given from others, and it belongs to her. Her parents’ behavior is depriving her private property. However, the Chinese Spring Festival traditional is when someone give red packet to your child, you have to give almost the same denomination to their kid, and since the college girl is no income student, therefore, when her mother said take away the money to pay her high college tuition fees is totally appropriate. 第二,那个大学女孩说她父母拿走她的压岁钱是违法的,我无法赞同。她认为那些钱是别人给她的,是属于她的。她父母的行为是侵犯了她的个人财产。然而,中国的春季传统就是别人给你孩子多少钱的红包,你就得给回他孩子大致面额的红包。鉴于那个大学女孩是个毫无收入的学生,因此她妈妈说要拿她的压岁钱去付她那高昂的大学学费是完全合适的。 To sum up, it is better that parents save New Year money for kids. It is not only could save household spending, but also could stop kids from dipping into their purse. 总而言之,父母帮孩子存着压岁钱是好的。这不仅能够节省家庭开支,还能防止孩子乱花钱。

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