
Sorry, I’m busy now. (跟形容词)
I’m a Chinese student. (跟名词)
The bag is his. (跟代词)
My brother is at school. (跟介词短语)
Look. Li Ming is there. (跟副词)
My dream is to go to key university. (跟不定式)
My job is teaching English. (跟动词-ing形式)
What I want to say is that you should take good care of your own health. (跟从句)
The doctors seemed very capable. (跟形容词)
The driver seemed out of humour. (跟介词短语)
Mary seems an unusually clever girl. (跟名词)
He continued silent. 他继续沉默着。
We hope the weather will continue fine. 我们希望天气继续很好。
It did not seem likely that he would continue long in that position. 他似乎不太可能长期留在这个职位。
Mother continues in weak health. 母亲身体仍然很虚弱。
He continues in good condition. 他的健康情况仍然良好。
After his illness the Minister continued in office though he was no longer up to the work / up to doing the work. 部长生病后继续任职,但他已力不胜任了。
■rest a mystery
The affair rests a mystery. 这件事一直是个谜。
■rest easy
Rest easy. 不要紧张。
■rest assured
You can rest assured that I will do my best. 你放心,我会尽力。
You can rest assured that I’ll do my best. 你可以放心我会尽力而为的。
You may rest assured that everything possible is being done. 你尽管放心,正在尽力把一切都做好。
You may rest assured that l will do everything I call to help you. 你可以相信我会尽力帮助你的。
■rest thus
The matter rests thus—that you are responsible for the damage. 事实仍然是这样——你得对损坏负责。
come 和 go 均可用作连系动词,但用法上有区别,请看题:
It was a pity that he __________ blind,but to the joy of his family,his dream of becoming a musician __________ true at last.
A. came,came B. went,went C. came,went D. went,came
此题应选D。句中的 go,come 都是连系动词,两者在用法上应注意:
1. 两者用作连系动词,都可表示事物的变化。一般说来,go 主要用于“坏”的变化,而come 主要用于“好”的变化:
These apples have gone bad. 这些苹果变坏了。
Something has gone wrong with the radio. 这部收音机什么地方出毛病了。
Her mother has gone mad. 她母亲疯了。
Things will come right. 一切都会顺利的。
My dream has come true. 我的梦想实现了。
2. 表示像人的生理变化,通常用 go:
go blind 变瞎 go deaf 变聋
go grey 两鬓渐白 go bald 变秃 等
但是注意:go 一般不与 old,tired,ill 等连用。
2. 在表示颜色方面的变化时,通常用 go (有时也用 turn,但语气更正式):
Leaves go [turn] brown in autumn. 秋季树叶变黄。
She went [turned] pale at the news. 她听到这个消息脸色变得苍白。
His hair was going [turning] grey. 他的头发慢慢地变白了。
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