

What is hairstyle
A hairstyle, hairdo, “lowering of the ears” or haircut refers to the styling of hair, usually on the human head. The fashioning of hair can be considered an aspect of personal grooming, fashion, and cosmetics, although practical, cultural, and popular considerations also influence some hairstyles.A hairstyle’s aesthetic considerations may be determined by many factors, such as the subject’s physical attributes and desired self-image or the stylist’s artistic instincts.
Physical factors include natural hair type and growth patterns, face and head shape from various angles, and overall body proportions; medical considerations may also apply. Self-image may be directed toward conforming to mainstream values (military-style crew cuts or current “fad” hairstyles such as the Dido flip), identifying with distinctively-groomed subgroups (e.g., punk hair), or obeying religious dictates (e.g., Orthodox Jewish have payot, Rastafari have Dreadlocks or the Sikh practice of Kesh), though this is highly contextual and a “mainstream” look in one setting may be limited to a “subgroup” in another.
A hairstyle is achieved by arranging hair in a certain way, occasionally using combs, a blow-dryer, gel, or other products. The practice of styling hair is often called “Hairdressing”.
Hairstyling may also include adding accessories (such as headbands or barrettes) to the hair to hold it in place, enhance its ornamental appearance, or partially or fully conceal it with coverings such as a kippa, hijab, tam or turban.
发型(hairstyle)即头发的形状,是人种分类的传统根据之一。头发的长度、颜色和发型都是肉眼所能观察到的,一般分为五种类型,即直发(straight hair)、波发、卷发(curl hair)、羊毛状卷发及小螺旋形(spirality)发。
发型设计是一门综合的艺术,它涉及广泛,须掌握多门学科,影响发型设计的因素主要有:头型(head form)、脸型(face type)、五官(the five sense organs)、身材(stature)、年龄;其次有职业(occupation)、肤色(complexion)、着装(attire)、个性嗜好(individuality)、季节、发质(hair quality)、适用性(usability)和时代性(temporal spirit)。在线发型设计(online hair design)是指在网上只需上传一张图像或者拍一张照片,即可进行一系列的发型设计,包括挑染、剪发(hair cut)等,并且可以配很多不同类型的发型。在线发型设计不仅给使用者带来了新鲜感,而且还在一定程度上促进了美发业的发展。顾客只需自己先在网上配好喜欢的发型,选择一款或者几款,可以打印出来或者记下序号,到理发店的时候让发型师(hair stylist)参照设计就可以。这样一来,可以大大地提高美发师的工作效率,也能给发型师和顾客建立一个良好的沟通渠道。
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