少儿英语故事:The Fly That Couldn't Fly不能飞的苍蝇

  少儿英语故事:The Fly That Couldn't Fly不能飞的苍蝇

  The Fly That Couldn't Fly
  There was a fly buzzing around a barn one day when he happened on a pile of fresh cowmanure。Due to the fact that it had been hours since his last meal,he flew down and began toeat. He ateand ateand ate.Finally,he decided he had eaten enough and tried to flyaway.He hadeaten too much though and could not get off the ground.A she looked around wondering what todo now,he spotted a pitchfork leaning up against the wall.He climbed to the top of the hand leandjumped off,thinking that once he go tair borne,he would be able to take his flight.Unfor tunately he was wrong and dropped like arock,splatting when he hit the floor.
  一天有只苍蝇正绕着仓谷嗡嗡飞叫,它碰巧停在了一堆新鲜的牛粪上。基于距离它上次进餐已数小时这个事实,它停在了牛粪上并开始享用它的“大餐”。它吃啊吃啊吃.终于,它觉得自己已经吃饱了并试着飞走。然而, 它吃的实在是太饱了,以至于无法起飞。正当它环顾四周思考现在应该做什么时,它发现了靠在墙上的一把干草叉。它爬到了把手的顶部然后向下跳。心想一旦腾空,它就能够飞起来了。不幸的是,它错了,它像一块石头一 样掉在了地上,当它着地的时候“啪”的一声。
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