
  1.How did you do in that class?成绩好吗?
  How did you do in that class?/What's your GPA?
  What are your grades like?/What did you get for the course?

  2.I am about to fail.我没及格。
  I am about to fail./My grades are so low./I have bad grades.

  3.I am an honor student.我是优等生。
  I am on the dean's list./I am on the honor roll.
  I am an honor student.

  A:What would you say if I told you I was going to quit school?如果我告诉你我要辍学,你会说什么?
  B:I'd say think twice about it. Well, you are not gonna quit school,are you?我会说你要三思。嗯,你不会辍学的,是吗?

  A:I don't know. I failed my exam.我不知道,我考试考砸了。
  B:What did you get?你的成绩是什么?

  A:B+. B+.
  B:That's not bad.那不错呀。
  A:But I should have aced it. I mean I finished the paper so quickly,thinking it's a piece of cake. But when I knew my result, I was like:what, that can't be true.但是我应该拿高分的。我是说很快就做好试卷,我以为是小菜一碟。但是到我知道考试成绩时,我的反应就像:什么?这不是真的。
  B:Listen, John, I understand you are such an excellent student. And I know you must have lots of stress. But you really want to give up?约翰,听着,我知道你是如此出色的一个学生.我也知道你一定有很大的压力。但是你真的想放弃吗?

  A:No, I don't. I just don't know how to handle this.This is my first time, you know.不,不是的.我只是不知到如何应付。你知道的,这是我第一次考砸。
  B:I know, don't worry. Do you know what you should do?我明白,别担心.你知道你应该怎么做吗?

  B:You need to blow off some steam.The world is not on your shoulde。你需要释放压力.世界不是你一个人担着的。

  B:Forget about school and exams. Come over to my house and have fun.I have some really good DVDs.忘记学校和考试。来我家玩玩。我有一台很不错的DVD.

A:Thanks. But I really don't feel like watching movies tonight.I have to get an early start in the morning.谢谢。但是今晚我真的不想看电影。明天早上我必须早点起床。
  B:Then go to bed and have a good sleep.那就去休息,睡个好觉。

  A:I guess that's what I need. Thanks.You are really a good friend.我想这是我需要的。谢谢。你真的是个好朋友。
  B:Of course I am. Well, pleasant dreams.我当然是。好了,好梦。
A:Thanks. Bye.谢谢。拜拜。
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