


Most parents and teachers believe that kids should start language learning in their middleschools. However, some elementary schools also provide foreign language learning as a test in educational field. Obviously, it contains positive as well as negative influence. Lingual skills from primary education are always based on the great interests kid's obtained in expressing their feelings. The strong motivation helps students acquire language with ease and fun, and then their unshaped mother language will also remove the barrier between one language and another. More importantly, without exerted pressing stress from tests and exams, students may devote themselves to language itself but nothing else

However, the primary education for language learning is not as perfect as it sounds. The overly flexible timetable for language learning will never ensure that children have mastered some key features of lingual skills. Compared with that, secondary school will supply more professional lessons with accurate teaching from which children can benefit a lot. However, if so, this activity will entirely ruin the interests of language learning for kids, which shift their flexible foreign language interests into the forced and test-oriented study all the time. Thus, this should never be put into practice for a better result until secondary schools. Obviously, primary school should also make some revolutionary changes for a better lingual atmosphere to cater to kids' interests.

In sum, all the contributions made to optimize language learning will benefit both individuals as well as the community, culturally and traditionally, so the adjustments in primary education will be the key to solve this educational problem.


此范文根据题目的要求相应地分为四段: 第一段介绍题目背景并表明两个立场(Positions);







Elementary 基本的,初级的

Obviously 明显地,显而易见地

Positive 积极的

Negative 消极的


Motivation 动机;积极性;推动

Acquire 习得;获得;得到

Devote…to 投身于

Unshaped 不成体系的;不成型的


Flexible 灵活的

Timetable 时间表

Test-oriented 以考试为目的的,应试教育的

Revolutionary 变革的,革命的


Optimize 优化,最大化

Adjustment 调整,调节,调节器


1. Lingual skills from primary education are always based on the great interests kid's obtained in expressing their feelings.


2.However, if so, this activity will entirely nun the interests of language learning for kids. which shift their flexible foreign language interests into the forced and test-oriented study all the time.




As a vital component of high school education, community service should always be a part of whole educational system. Thus, some advocate that the community service should add to the compulsory agenda. Personally, I couldn't agree more.

Admittedly, unpaid jobs for charity organizations take up some time of students who need to spend more valuable time on their study. Namely, in a short term, this activity can't bring any reward for those participants. However, people should never judge some activities with a short-sighted view; instead, long-sighted perspective becomes more reasonable and smarter. With sufficient social experiences and working skills, students may be more competitive in the job market after graduation in the foreseeable future.

Obviously, establishing community service as a compulsory part in high school education is not only helpful for students but also meaningful for the whole society. Firstly, both text-based and society-based methods make up the whole structure of the high school education. The community service perfectly combines both parts in order to accomplish a better outcome for those students, because they have the opportunity to put their newly-learnt theories into practice. Secondly, throughout these charitable activities, students can understand those disabled people better, so they will pay more attention to these special groups in their daily life. More importantly, it will shape their strong and independent personality gradually. Namely, offering helps to others teaches the young to understand and support each other in the community.

In sum, it is a must to add community service to the compulsory education, especially in high schools. I strongly recommend the government and some organizations involved take the advice into consideration.





Vital 重要的,关键的

Component 成分,组成部分


Admittedly 诚然,无可否认

Short-sighted 目光短浅的,无远见的

Long-sighted 目光长远的,有远见的

Competitive 有竞争力的


Establish 设立,建立

Meaningful 有意义的

Make up 组成,构成

Accomplish 完成,达到


Recommend 建议,推荐

Take..into consideration 把…考虑进去


1. With sufficient social experiences and working skills, students may be more competitive in the job market after graduation in the foreseeable future


2. Obviously, establishing community service as a compulsory part in high school education is not only helpful for students but also meaningful for the whole society.



A problem of modem societies is the declining level of health in the general population. One possible solution is to provide more sports facilities to encourage a more active lifestyle. However, there are some people who doubt whether the solution would have effects.

Advocates of this solution believe that increasing the number of sports facilities is the best way to improve the weU-being of people. First of all, nowadays people have to devote more time and energy to their careers and therefore they are too busy to spare time for physical exercises. If there were easy-to-reach local sports facilities, they would be more likely to take part in physical activities

regularly. Another reason is that today's sedentary lifestyle means that physical activity is no longer part of people's leisure time. If more sports facilities were offered, doing a variety of sports would be much more attractive than just sitting in front of a screen every evening.

However, there are some reasons why the solution may have little effect. In the first place, interest in sports is not universal, and additional facilities might simply attract those who are already fit, not those who need them badly. What we should do is to help children develop a positive attitude to exercise at an early age. In the second place, there may be better ways of tackling this problem. For example, high tax penalties could be imposed on high-fat food products, tobacco and alcohol, as excessive consumption of any of these contributes to poor health. Even improving the public transport would help because it takes a longer time to walk to the bus stop than to the car.

In my opinion, increasing the number of sports facilities may not have the desired results. People should be encouraged to form the habit of doing regular physical exercises when they are young. In addition, some better approaches may assist in improving people's health.





solution n. 解决方案

doubt v. 怀疑第二段

advocate n. 支持者

well-being n. 健康

easy-to-reach adj. 容易得到的

regularly adv. 定期地

sedentary adj. 久坐不动的


universal adj. 普遍的

positive attitude 正面的态度

tackle v. 处理

penalty n. 罚款

impose v. 施加

excessive adj. 过量的

consumption n. 消费

contribute to 导致,贡献于第四段

desired adj. 想得到的

approach n. 方法

assist v. 帮助


If there were easy-to-reach local sports facilities, they would be more likely to take part in physical activities regularly.


In the first place, interest in sports is not universal, and additional facilities might simply attract those who are already fit, not those who need them badly.


For For example, high tax penalties could be imposed on high-fat food products, tobacco and alcohol, as excessive consumption of any of these contributes to poor health.



It is undeniable that so many kinds of languages and dialects exit in the multi-cultural world, which causes some complex and embarrassed situations while communicating with people holding different languages. Some predict that if some lesser-known languages vanish, we may enjoy a much easier lingual atmosphere. Personally I think it is entirely wrong.

Admittedly, to eliminate some languages that have been used in some certain parts of the world will make people's communication easier. Namely, English and other international languages will bridge over the lingual barriers to some extent. However, if a language disappears, the

culture behind it will not exist then shortly. Besides, the living habits and traditions relying on those language features will also die out with the loss of a language itself.

When it comes to the reasons for my disagreement, two aspects should be listed: for one thing, as mentioned above, language is no more than a way of communication. It is more likely to be a better symbol on special occasions, like some famous directors will thank all his helpers in English on stage when he is awarded by Oscar, but he will definitely thank his homeland in his native language at last, which represents a national pride vividly. For another, if it is possible to remove some lesser-known languages, some substitution will be used as English and French recently. However, the problem is the translation is not so perfect to transfer each cultural meaning and indication from a native surrounding to a western lingual way. The missing translation will lead to the loss of cultural diversity subconsciously.

In sum, some lesser-known languages should not be widely used for the globalization, but the preservation of those cultural-valued legacies should never stop until the extinction of the human beings.





dialect n. 方言

complex adj. 复杂的

lesser-known adj. 鲜为人知的

vanish v. 消失第二段

admittedly adv. 公认地

vanish v. 消失


disagreement n. 不同意

occasion n. 场合

substitution n. 替代品第四段

preservation n. 保留,保存

extinction n. 灭绝


1. Besides, the living habits and traditions relying on those language features will also die out with the loss of a language itself.


2. Language is no more than a way of communication. It is more likely to be a better symbol on special occasions.


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