

   It is universally acknowledged that the desired prototype of teachers is a soul engineer of human beings and they play an irreplaceable role in rapid growth of a country. Most people spend the majority of their prime time acquiring knowledge indispensable to their future success, so, undoubtedly, teachers exert a far-reaching influence on their students' lives. What teachers ought to teach, knowledge or morality, however, causes different opinions.
  As the most influential mentors in students' life, teachers are supposed to be responsible for guiding students how to distinguish right from wrong.There is no denying that moral integrity and strong self-control constitute the cornerstone of a successful adult life. Otherwise, if students. who perform well in all kinds of examinations, become the top experts in one particular field, they are morally wrong and always threaten national security, so the investment in students and the significance of education are bound to be questioned. By contrast, even if a person fails to master rich knowledge, he or she yearns to help others,which is also a blessing to society.
  Granted, knowledge transmission is also a necessity of a teacher's job. The key to a country's advance mainly lies in how much knowledge its citizens can obtain. so passing on valuable knowledge from one generation to another generation is the inescapable obligation of instructors. Moreover, a solid foundation in majors can ensure a better job after students graduate. The severe job market has already proved the vitality of authoritative academic qualifications. In my opinion, however, correct morality and scientific outlook of the world are more crucial to the development of students and the society as a whole.
  My view is that education of morality should be top of teachers' job,and is the critical standard of evaluating teachers. Honestly. it is dreadful to imagine that society is rife with people with considerable expertise but evil intention.




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