

  Apparently, as a great and thrilling invention of the 20th century, television hasreceived much praise and abuse. One prevailing bias held by people is that familymembers' relationship is now being estranged by television. Always am I amazedwhen I hear people say so. In my opinion, rather than alienating it, television isactually enhancing family members' relationship.
  Various eye-catching television programs give family members much to discuss,think and talk about together. With television, a colorful world is presented beforefamily members and things happening around the world never fail to appeal to people.
  Well-known is that every member in the family has his/her opinion on certain things. Itis television that offers a channel for family members to communicate with each otherand exchange ideas.
  Even people who take no interest in watching television can never avoid beinginfluenced by it positively. It is a good way for family members to relax and entertainthemselves after school or work. In a sense, what really matters is not watchingtelevision together, but sitting together and chatting with each other. By occupyingfamily members' spare time so constructively, they may feel easy and relaxed. Therelationship between family members is bettered.
  Thus, it is unfair to blame television for alienating the relationship between familymembers. In reality, the alienation and indifference between family members attributeto other factors, such as different education two generations receive, exposure to theInternet too much, pressure from the society and economy. Maybe, much attentionshould be paid to this question so that a telling conclusion can be drawn.



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