
如何表达一个人的能力是英语口语训练一个十分重要的方面。广州韦博国际英语小编认为,用英语如何表达“我能做什么?”比较简单,英语中的能力表达没有汉语复杂.它的基本构成方式正如例句中的表达式样.即由主语 +can/could/be able to等表示能力的词组成。当然还有许多其他的说法,例如:I know how to ... ,I know something about... , I'm able to ... 等,具体如何使用,那就看你个人英语口语能力了。

I know how to operate a computer. 我会操作计葬机。

I know something about mechanics.我懂一点力学。

I know where to put the picture. 我知道这福画该放在哪里。

I might be able to translate it into Chinese. 我也许能把它译成汉语。

It's a not too difficult to climb up the tree. 要爬上这探树并不太难。

Playing bridge isn't too difficult to me. 打桥牌对我来说并不太难。


I'm not too bad at telling stories. 讲故事我还行。

Sure. 当然能。

There's just a chance I can do it. 这事说不定正巧我会做。

Yes,I reckon I can break it with my hands. 是的,我想我能用手折断它。

Yes, it'm pretty good at water-skiing.走的,清水橇我很在行。

Yes, it's a cinch. 是的,没问题。

Yes, it's piece of cake! 是的,容易得很!

Yes, it's as easy as pie! 是的.容易得很!

Yes, no problem. 是的.没问题。


I don't think that would prove too difficult to look after 100 chickens. 照料一百只鸡我看不会太难的。

I feel able to swim across the river. 我觉得我能游过这条河。

I feel capable of eating a whole turkey. 我觉得我能吃掉整只火鸡。

I have experience of teaching languages. 我有教语言的经验。

I think I have the abilities to organize a party. 我想我有能力组织一次社交聚会。

I think I have the qualifications necessary to run a drug store. 我想我具备经营杂货店所必雷的资历。

I'd say I was able to walk on a string. 我说我能在绳上走。

I'd say I was capable of tailoring. 我说我能做裁缝。


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