
  想要取得写作的高分希望大家一定要重视写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下写作技巧是 什么,广州文都教育小编为您提供作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于手机依赖症的英语作文范文。

  What a thought-provoking picture!In the picture,people are always playing with mobile phones,no matter they are in the class,or at the table,or walking,or sleeping. It reveals a prevalent phenomenon in our society:mobile phones are playing such an important role in our life that people becoming increasingly attached to them and even can not live without them..
  There are sufficient reasons accounting for the excessive dependence on mobile phones .On the one hand,with the rapid development of communication industry,more and more functions have been integrated into the mobile phone,which deeply attracted young people. On the other hand,with the increas of mobile phone’s brands,the price of mobile phones is declining so that the majority of people are able to afford mobile phone. And above all,for many people who live a stressful and empty life,mobile phones provide rich entertainment for them which requires little physical and mental work..So they are accustomed to using mobile phones to kill time or relieve fatigue. Unfortunately,many people are becoming slaves to mobile phones.
  In my opinion,although mobile phones bring great convenience and benefits to people,to some extent mobile phones are also harmful to people. People always waste lots of time on mobile phones,which can not only make them ignore the people and events around them,but also impact their health. Therefore,people need to use mobile phones properly.


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