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专栏介绍 > 明星教师

丁婧 Ellie丁婧 Ellie


Owning over six-year teaching experience on Speaking and Listening. Graduated from University of Leeds, UK and majored in education. Advanced oral english capability with authentic pronunciation and intonation. Being recruited as the interpreter for Tianjin Education Bureau during the academic visiting in the UK. Hosting various lectures in tertiary educational institutions, and the vivid presentation embraces effective learning outcomes, namely massive amount of students with high scores after participating in intenational language tests.


长沙朗阁导师-刘雅琳 Cindy刘雅琳 Cindy


Majored in English, BEC Level and being specialised in English education.
From 2014 to 2015, successfully helping students to get their ideal scores in IELTS. Well-organized instruction of western culture, cross-culture communication and English literature.
Owning great ambition on arising students’ reaction and boosts confidence of them. A good sense of humor. The unique and student-oriented teaching method can make students getting rid of the traditional cramming way of teaching which may lose your interests in study. With the guidance of her approach, students can have an orientation in studying English and have a satisfying result after class. Not only can she encourage students, also exploits their potentialities.


刘青老师 Michael刘青老师 Michael


Graduated from University of Buffalo. Owning a deep yet sophisticated understanding of American culture; specialised in combining lecture with current time events to demonstrate about speaking topics, especially to those who lack the initiatve to begin lagnauge study. Turning the sterotypical “classroom”into a practical platform for communicating and true comprehension towards English learning. Meanwhile, to make sure sutdents can absorb as much as they possibly could, he designed the class to be targeting areas where study methods can be appropriately utilised. Dedicating to each student individually while also maintaing a strict yet playful style is thing he takes very seriously and professionally. Without doubt, as far as “commitment”goes, he is the best to offer.


王诗意 Eleven王诗意 Eleven


雅思8分 (听力8.5分,阅读8分,口语8分)
TEM-8,English Interpreting Certificate and BEC Higher Level. Owning 6-year first-hand teaching experience in IELTS and TOEFL. The professional and standard pronunciation leaves a deep impression on stduents, which has strongly aroused students' interest in English study. Meanwhile, the unique teaching style and resposibility for students have helped a large number of students to make rapid progress in study and even made their dreams of studying abroad come true. After participating Eleven’s teaching process, loads of students have successfully achieved the scores that had formed the obstacles during their learning journey. The prefect combination of theories and practical skills is always the highlight of her class.




雅思8分 (听力9分)
英国利兹大学硕士毕业,英语专业八级,拥有中级英语口译资格证。在各种大型英语活动以及英语比赛中荣获多项奖项。曾任达沃斯论坛会议随行翻译,其文学作品刊登在英国约克郡官网。拥有雅思一线教学经验,听力满分获得者,深谙听力得分秘诀,能在短期内帮助基础薄弱学生迅速提高分数,培养了上百名听力8分以上的高分学员。对于基础词汇教学有经验丰富,自创 “趣味单词记忆法”帮助词汇困难户逃离词汇记忆苦海。多次主讲“英语学习方法和技巧”讲座,获得广大学生的热烈反响和喜爱,她的课温文尔雅、如沐春风。
Master degree of Leeds University, interpreter at Davos Forum, TEM 8 certificate and Intermediate English Interpretation certificate.
Various awards of English activities and competitions, and one of the literature works was published at the official website of Yorkshire, England. Being a front-line IELTS teacher as well as a full mark earner, she knows how to score high marks in the listening test and has helped more than 100 students acquire a mark higher than 8 in the listening part. The fun method to memorize English words helped many students who are struggling with vocabulary get rid of the pain of memorizing English words. Being kind and elegant in class, she always makes people feel as pleasant as the spring breeze.


张周婉娜 Holly张周婉娜 Holly


Profound theoretical basis and high academic level entitle Holly with the certificate of TEM-8 as well as excellent scores both in IELTS and TOEFL test. The success of her class is the result of her oversea education background, rich teaching experience and penetrating, systematic research into listening coupled with reading. Teaching students in accordance of their aptitude is first and foremost in her class based on the pedagogical notion “learning-centered approach”. After cultivating a great number of high-achieving students, accompanied by a particularly high level in satisfaction of participants, Holly earns a reputation as “top grades producer”.



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