
  a bit of blue sky between the clouds云间的小块蓝天.
  a bright sky 晴空
  a cloudy sky 阴天天
  a dull sky阴沉的天空
  a gray sky in the morning早晨灰暗的天空
  a leaden sky铅灰色的天空
  a rosy sky at sunset日落时玫瑰红的天空
  a serene sky 晴朗的天空
  a sky without clouds无云的天空
  a speck of cloud一丝云
  a starry sky星辰满天的夜空
  a sullen sky阴沉的天空
  a thunderbolt from a clear sky有如晴天霹雳地,突如其来地.
  a watery sky像要下雨的天空
  a water-clear sky水一般清澈的天空
  against the blue sky映衬在蓝天下
  ascend to the sky(烟等)升上天

  be blotted out by coluds被乌云遮住
  be overspread with clouds布满了云
  beneath a sky of cloudless blue在万里无云的蓝天下.
  beneath the northern skies在北方
  clear (天)放晴
  cut/stab the sky划破天际
  darken the sky遮暗天空
  drop from the skies从天而降
  expect sunny skies期待天气晴朗
  illuminate the western sky映照着西方的天空.
  in a cloudless sky在晴朗的天空中

  look at the sky仰望天空
  look up into the broad starlit sky仰望星光灿烂的广阔夜空.
  overcast 阴云密布
  praise/laud/extol to the skies把……捧上天.
  redden the sky映红天空
  rend the skies with loud applause欢呼声响彻云霄.
  rend the skies响彻云霄
  see a blue sky after the rain 雨后看到晴天.
  skyline 天际.地平线
  skyscrapers that touch the skies高耸人云的摩天大楼.

  the azure sky蔚蓝的天空
  the dark blue sky深蓝色的天空
  the murky skies阴沉的天空
  the overarching sky苍弯
  the peak reaching up towards the sky伸向天空的山峰.
  the skyline of a city一座城市的空中轮廓
  the skyscraper skyline 摩天大楼的空中轮廓
  the stars in the sky天上的群星
  the sunrise sky 日出时的天空
  the sunset sky 日落时的天空
  the waving skyline of the hills 山峦呈浪形的空中轮廓.
  threatening skies似将下雨的天气
  touch the sky(山峰)高耸入云
  towers rising above the skyline耸立在地平线上的塔.
  turn dark变暗
  turn overcast(天)转多云
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