


Most people hack off and toss the leafy top of a pineapple. Resourceful people plant these spiky parts to grow yet another pineapple.


In fact, certain fruits and vegetables are prime for planting and reproducing.


Some may take more time and care than others: That pineapple, for example, will take more than a year to grow and will need some room outdoors.


But green onion, on the other hand, will cultivate in just a matter of days in the comfort of a cup of water.


The whole process of regrowing produce is pretty neat, and it's gratifying, too.




Pineapple is rich in so many vitamins and minerals, so drinking the juice will help you to reach you daily intake of many of these so quickly. As part of a balanced diet, pineapple in moderation is a great way to meet your necessary goals. What are the benefits of pineapple for our body?

Benefits of Pineapple Juice

1. Anti-inflammation

Bromelain, which is a natural antioxidant, is present in pineapple juice and when it is used in conjunction with turmeric it is even more effective. This combination can work even better than NSAIDs and steroids.

2. Digestive aid

The Bromelian and turmeric combination can help your body break down proteins, which helps your body digest things much better.

3. Natural antioxidant

Vitamin C is a natural anti-oxidant and pineapple juice is full of Vitamin C, therefore drinking this juice can help boost your body’s immune system.

4. Energy booster

Vitamin B6, which stabilizes your body’s blood sugar, and thiamine, which is a member of the B group of vitamins, are both contained in pineapple juice, and the thiamine helps to convert carbohydrates into energy, which also boosts your body’s immune system.

5. Kidney health

Potassium, which helps to promote your body’s kidney function, is also contained in pineapple juice.

6. Blood sugar regulation

Pineapple juice is helpful in regards to your blood sugar, as it plays a vital role in the conversion of blood sugar to energy.

7. Menstrual disorder relief

Bromelain is one of the contents in pineapple juice, which is said to help with menstrual cramps. It is said that drinking it will help to relieve you of those annoying and painful cramps.

8. Sore throat relief

Bromelain is also helpful to relieve sore throats, so if you have a sore throat drinking pineapple juice is a good idea. It can also be used for colds as well as asthma is.

9. Better skin

Pineapple juice is helpful in the care of skin in various ways. It is a good acne treatment, and also helps to heal wounds quickly, as the enzymes that are in this juice are known for that type of healing. The synthesis of collagen, which is helpful in providing the necessary elasticity of the skin, is helped from drinking pineapple juice. Skin wrinkling is cause by the lack of collagen, as well as rapid ageing. So, drink pineapple juice to stay looking young and beautiful.


The pineapple originated from South America, and the Spanish brought it to the rest of the world. Pineapples are tropical and have red or purple flowers. The fruit itself is usually yellow and cylindrical, and the ones we usually eat do not have seeds. There are many different kinds of pineapples, such as the Hilo, the Smooth Cayenne, the Kona Sugarloaf, the Natal Queen, the Pernambuco, and the Red Spanish. Each is different in size, color and flavor.


Pineapple is rich in so many vitamins and minerals, so drinking the juice will help you to reach you daily intake of many of these so quickly. As part of a balanced diet, pineapple in moderation is a great way to meet your necessary goals. What are the benefits of pineapple for our body?


I love the pineapple

There are many fruits in the world, I don't like sweet and fragrant peach, I don't like delicate and charming pitaya, I don't like stinky durian. I like pineapples.

Pineapple cylindrical shape, size and melon around. It has a few "head" of the long, narrow leaves, some small thorn. Leaf margin is really like a little girl with petals.

The skin of the pineapple is thick and rough, just like a suit of armor.

The unripe pineapple is green and bitter. When cooked, it is yellow and green, with a sweet taste in it.

First you put the pineapple peel open with a knife, you will see yellow flesh. If you smell, a fragrance will direct channeling your nostrils, really let a person lick one's chaps. Will cut pineapple good soak in salt water can eat. If you cut a piece of taste, you must like me haven't into the mouth, the saliva will unconsciously. You gently bite and pineapple juice will fill the mouth, sour sweet taste is great.

You know, not only is it a fruit, but it's often the "main character" in the dish, such as stewed ribs and Fried beef.

I love pineapple. How about you?









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