



The Goldfish Is inside Your Cat 金鱼在猫咪的肚子里

Little Amy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor peered over the fence.

Interested in what the cheeky-faced youngster was doing, he politely asked, "What are you up to there, Amy?"

"My goldfish died," replied Amy tearfully, without looking up, "and I've just buried him."

The neighbor was concerned, "That's an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn't it?"

Amy patted down the last heap of earth then replied, "That's because he's inside your cat."









Goldfish Now Have Better Attention Spans Than We Do


Last week, Microsoft released a study that sought to analyze the impact that technology – cellphones and social media specifically – is having on our attention span and the quality of our focus. They found some pretty significant changes compared with research conducted 15 years ago. Let's take a look at the findings.


1. The average attention span has fallen to just eight seconds.


The average human attention span in 2000 was 12 seconds, and now it's just eight. The decrease was found across genders and all age groups. Apparently, a goldfish has an attention span of nine seconds. Measuring the attention span of animals is sort of tricky stuff though … so it's possible we still have them beat.


2. Young people were most likely to demonstrate addiction-like behaviors when it came to digital technology.


Seventy-seven percent of 18- to 24-year-olds responded "yes" when asked if the following statement was true for them: "When nothing is occupying my attention, the first thing I do is reach for my phone." Only 10 percent of people over 65 said the same thing.


3. Young people may be more alert, just for shorter increments of time.


The good news is that these young people, "early adopters of technology," as the study sometimes refers to them, have developed some strengths to accommodate for their shorter attention spans.


4. The ability to multitask has improved.


Part of the explanation for the shortened attention span comes from what the study refers to as "multi-screening" – viewing multiple screens at once, using social media while consuming the latest news, etc. As long as the environment is active, early tech adopters are able to process information and commit it to memory more efficiently. But, their capabilities fall short if the digital experience is passive – probably due to their decreased ability to focus for long periods of time.



Have you ever seen very pretty little fishes, of a bright yellow or golden colour, swimming in a glass bowl of water? Look in the shop-windows, and perhaps you will see some.

小朋友, 你见过浅黄色或者金色的漂亮小鱼, 在玻璃缸里面游来游去吗? 往商店橱窗里看看, 可能就会看见的。

Are these fishes made of gold? No; we only call them gold-fish because their colour is a bright yellow, like the colour of gold.

这些金鱼是金子做的吗? 不是的, 我们叫它们金鱼, 是因为它们的颜色是浅黄色的, 跟金子的颜色很像。

If you save up your money, you may buy a gold-fish some day. It would cost you only a few pence. If you ever get one, you must be very kind to it. You must keep the bowl in a warm room, and fill it with fresh water two or three times a week.

攒点儿钱, 只花几个便士, 就可以买到一条金鱼。要是买了, 小朋友一定要好好地照顾它, 把鱼缸放在暖和的房间里, 每个星期都给它换两三次水。

You must not forget to feed the little fish also. It is very fond of ants' eggs, and it will eat little worms and insects, and perhaps a few bread-crumbs.

可不要忘了喂鱼!金鱼特别喜欢吃的是蚂蚁蛋, 也吃小虫子和面包屑。

If you are kind to your gold-fish, it will soon learn to know you. It will then swim to your finger when you put it in the bowl.

好好地照顾金鱼, 金鱼很快就会认识你。只要把手指头放进鱼缸, 金鱼就会向手指头游过来。

Look at the shape of the fish. It is pointed at each end, which is the best shape for going through the water. Its body is covered with scales, which lap over each other, like the tiles of a roof.

看看鱼的形状吧。鱼的身体, 两头都是尖尖的, 这是最适合在水里游泳的形状。鱼身上盖着鳞片, 鳞片就像瓦片一样, 是一片叠一片的。

Do you see the fins of the gold-fish? It has two breast-fins, two belly-fins, a back-fin, a tail-fin, and a fin on its under side near the tail. These fins keep the fish steady as it swims. But how does it swim? It does this by waving its tail from side to side.

你看见金鱼的鱼鳍了吗? 金鱼有两个胸鳍、两个腹鳍、一个背鳍、一个尾鳍, 还有尾巴附近的一个臀鳍。这些鳍让金鱼在游泳的时候保持平衡。不过金鱼是怎么游泳的呢? 是左右摆着尾巴游的。

You can see the two eyes of the gold-fish. They are very bright. It cannot shut its eyes as we can, for it has no eyelids.

看看金鱼的两只眼睛, 好亮啊。人类可以闭眼, 金鱼却不能闭眼, 因为金鱼没有眼皮。

Fishes breathe air as we do, but it is the air which is mixed with the water. The fish draws this air out of the water by its gills.

金鱼也跟人类一样呼吸空气, 不过呼吸的是溶解在水里的空气。金鱼是用鳃吸进水里的空气的。

Do you see the two flaps, one on each side of the head of the gold-fish, just behind the eyes? Under these flaps there are some folds of red flesh. These are the gills, and they are red because all the blood in the fish's body passes through them.

金鱼的头, 在眼睛后边的两侧, 各有一个盖子, 看见了么? 这两个盖子里面有几层红色的肌肉, 这就是鱼鳃。这几层肌肉是红色的, 因为鱼身体里的血液, 都要流过鱼鳃!

Look how the fish opens its mouth and takes in water. But it does not swallow this water; it lets it run out again through its gills. And as the water passes through them, the gills suck the air out of the water.

看看金鱼是怎么张嘴喝水的。可是, 金鱼喝到嘴里的水, 并不咽下去, 而是从鱼鳃又流了出去。水流过鱼鳃的时候, 鱼鳃就把里面的空气吸出去了。

Water is used to make the steam that works our steam-engines. And we sprinkle it over our streets and roads to keep down the dust.

蒸汽机里的蒸汽也是水。水还用来洒在街道上, 不让尘土飞起来。

Without water there would be no rivers, or ponds, or seas; without water, no trees, or plants, or flowers could live. The world would look very dull without the pretty little brooks and the wide blue ocean. SUMMARY Water is colourless, and it has neither smell nor taste. It is transparent, and because it flows it is called a fluid. Water forms a great part of our blood and our bodies. We wash with it, we cook with it; it makes our steam-engines go; it forms our rivers, our ponds, and our seas. Without it neither plants nor animals could live.

没有水, 江河湖海就都没有了。没有水, 花草树木就都不能活了。没有蔚蓝的大海, 清澈的小溪, 这个世界会多么难看呀!


The Goldfish Invasion That Is Threatening A Colorado Lake's Ecosystem


For the casual visitor, Teller Lake in Boulder, Colorado looks like a delightful fishbowl filled with thousands of gorgeous orange, black, and white goldfish floating around. However, to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department they are a group of invasive species that could end up disrupting the lake's entire ecosystem if not removed soon.


In fact, park officials believe that the 3,000 - 4,000 specimens currently floating around are all a result of a few unwanted pet goldfish that were dumped into the lake. The problem lies in the fact that these fish are not native to the lake, which means that they have no predators. This allows them to reproduce and multiply in large numbers.


While that may appear to be the most humane thing to do, it is extremely dangerous, not to mention illegal. That's because as this non-native species grow in numbers, they compete with the existing fish for food sources like plankton and small insects. Another major cause for concern is the diseases the goldfish may be harboring. This could be fatal to the native species since they do not have the immunity to fight new illnesses.


The Colorado Parks and Wildlife biologists, therefore, have no option but to extract the fish from the lake in most efficient manner. They are currently contemplating three options - draining the lake, stunning the fish with electricity or using a chemical that interferes with their respiratory system. The fish will then be sent to the local raptor rehabilitation facility and fed to injured birds of prey like eagles and osprey.


According to experts, the best way to dispose of unwanted fish or any other animal is to get advice from the people that originally sold them the pet. They say that most owners believe they are doing the "right thing" by returning their "exotic" pet back to the wilderness. However, saving one pet often results in destroying the area's ecosystem and hurting other innocent animals.


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