



A blind ass, which had undertaken a long journey, wandered from the road into a forest.


As the night came on, our foolish fellow went so far into the thicket that it couldn't move either backward or forward; and even one who had eyes would have been unable to get out of that difficulty. But an owl, by good luck, happened to be in the neighbourhood, and offered to act as a guide to the ass.


We all know how well owls see at night. Hills, hillocks, precipices—all these our owl distinguished as if it had been daylight.By daybreak, it had made its way with the ass to the level road.


Now, how could any one part with such a guide? So the ass entreated the owl not to desert it, and determined to visit the whole world in the owl's company.


Our owl seated itself like a lord on the back of the ass, and the two friends began to continue their journey.


But did it prosper? No. The sun had scarcely begun to glow in the morning sky, when a greater than nocturnal darkness hid everything from the owl's eyes. But our owl is obstinate; it directs the ass at random.


“Take care!”it cries,“We shall tumble into a pool, if we go to the right.”


There was really no pool on the right; but on the left there was even worse.


“Keep more to the left—another pace to the left!”


And, the owl and the ass fell into the ravine together.




This owl looks like it's taking advantage of the cold weather to practise its skating moves on the ice.


The snowy owl was captured on camera with one leg outstretched behind it while it balanced on one claw.


But, the beautiful bird may just have been stretching after it woke up to freezing temperatures of -20C in Montreal, Canada.


Wildlife photographer Yves Adams battled the freezing winds to capture the incredible shots on camera - after following the bird all day.


Mr Adams, from Belgium, said: ‘I had seen the owl hunting in the area for a few days, so I tried to follow him, as he'd obviously found a good spot.


‘I really wanted to get close to this bird, so I crawled very slowly through the snow, protected in my down clothing, for an hour or so.


Eventually I came pretty close, maybe 15 metres away, but the owl was very relaxed. It was a beautiful thing to see, even if it was very cold, lying on the snow.


‘Although the bird was in a deep sleep, his peeping eyes recorded every movement I made. Suddenly he woke up, and stretched. This all happened in seconds, so I had to react very very fast.


‘I have a lot of respect for these northern birds. I was able to retreat to my warm hotel room each night, but this bird had to stay out all night, often with strong blizzards at night, with very low temperatures.’



Owls are nearly noiseless hunters, swooping down on prey without any warning whoosh.


How do they do it?


We’ve known that the leading edge of an owl's wing has a comb of stiff feathers.


And the trailing edge has a flexible fringe, unlike the rigid trailing edge of a conventional bird wing.


These two features contribute to a structure that produces almost no noise as it rushes through the air.


Now it appears that these predators have a third trick up their sleeves—or rather, wings—that allow them to be so silent but deadly.


Researchers modeled the effect of the layer of down on the wing’s top surface.


And it looks like that fluffy stuff absorbs sound too.


The work was presented at a meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics.


Mimicking owl wing down may lead to new sound-proofing materials.


Down and the other silencing features could inspire wind turbines and plane engines that produce less noise and fewer vibrations.


So that all we hear is silence.



An owl, who lived in a hollow tree, was in the habit of feeding by night and sleeping by day, but her slumbers were greatly disturbed by the chirping of a grasshopper, who had taken up his abode in the branches. She begged him repeatedly to have some consideration for her comfort, but the grasshopper, if anything, only chirped the louder. At last the owl could stand it no longer, but determined to rid herself of the pest by means of a trick. Addressing herself to the grasshopper, she said in her pleasantest manner, "As I cannot sleep for your song, which, believe me, is as sweet as the notes of Apollo's lyr., I have a mind to taste some nectar, which Minerva gave me the other day. Won't you come in and join me?" The grasshopper was flattered by the praise of his song, and his mouth, too, watered at the mention of the delicious drink, so he said he would be delighted. No sooner had he got inside the hollow where the owl was sitting than she pounced upon him and ate him up.


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