


The Green Banana

My encounter with the green banana started on a steep mountain road in Brazil. My ancient jeep was zigzagging when the radiator began to leak. I stopped at the next village, where people gathered to look. Three fine streams of hot water spouted from holes in the radiator.

“That’s easy to fix,” a man said. He sent a boy running for some green bananas. We exchanged pleasantries while I mulled over the green banana. Asking questions would seems silly, so I remarked on the beauty of the mountain.

“Do you see that tall one right over there?” asked my benefactor, pointing to a particular tall, slender pinnacle of dark rock. “That rock marks the center of the world.”

I looked to see if he were teasing me, but his face was serious. He in turn inspected me carefully to be sure I grasped the significance of his statement. The occasion demanded some show of recognition on my part. “The center of the world?” I repeated, trying to convey interest if not complete acceptance.

He nodded. “The absolute center.”

At that moment the boy returned with my green bananas. The man sliced one in half and pressed the cut end against the radiator. The banana melted into a glue against the hot metal, plugging the leaks instantly.

Everyone laughed at my astonishment. As a product of American higher education, I had never paid the slightest attention to the green banana. Suddenly on that mountain road, its time and my need had converged.

This chance encounter showed me the special genius of those people, and the special potential of the green banana. I had been wondering for some time about what educators like to call “learning moments”, and I now knew I had just experienced two of them at once.

The importance of the rock marking the center of the world took a while to filter through. I had initially doubted their claim, knowing for a fact that the center was located somewhere in New England. After all, my grandfather had come from there. But gradually I realized they had a valid belief, a universal concept, and I agreed with them. We tend to define the center as that special place where we are known, where we know others, where things mean much to us, and where we ourselves have both identity and meaning: family, school, town and local region.













Don’t throw out that banana peel—or that overly ripe banana. Put them to good use around your house instead.


STEP 1 Shine your shoes


Rub the inside of a banana peel on anything made of leather—shoes, pocketbooks, jackets. Then wipe away the residue and buff with a lint-free cloth for a glossy gleam.


STEP 2 Clean your houseplants


Wipe down houseplant leaves; the peel removes dust and dirt and leaves them soft and shiny.


STEP 3 Polish your furniture


To get a great polish, smear pieces of an overripe banana on wood furniture with your fingers and then wipe off with a cloth.


STEP 4 Soothe a bug bite


Take the sting out of a mosquito bite by rubbing it with the inside of a banana skin.


STEP 5 Erase ink stains from skin


Erase ink stains from your hands with the inside of a banana peel.


STEP 6 Remove scratches from CDs


Remove scratches from CDs by smearing some banana on the scratch in a circular motion. Rub it in with the inside of the banana peel and then wipe the CD with a lint-free cloth.


STEP 7 Get rid of fruit flies


Get rid of fruit flies by putting a banana peel in a resealable plastic bag with the top half folded down. Wait an hour or two for all the fruit flies to gather on the peel, then seal the top of the bag and throw it away outside.


The average American eats 28 pounds of bananas a year, which pales next to Ugandans, who consume the most bananas of any country—about 500 pounds per person per year.



Are bananas fattening?


Those who claim they are argue that bananas cause the body to make lots of insulin, and insulin causes fat growth.


How much insulin we produce is related to how fast a food becomes sugar in our bloodstream. How can you know if a food makes a lot of sugar quickly? The glycemic index (GI) rating tells us. Foods with GI scores above 75 are considered high-GI foods. Bananas have a GI of 62, which is considered low.


Weight loss can be a struggle for anyone, but it is especially hard for diabetics. A study looked at how the starch from unripe bananas affected the weight of a group of obese diabetics. After four weeks of a diet high in bananas, diabetics lost significantly more weight than on a control diet. They also saw improvements in insulin sensitivity from the banana diet.


Bananas are a rich source of resistant fiber, which has been shown to help weight loss. Bananas that still have some green on the skin are even higher in resistant fiber.



Are bananas unhealthy?


No. On the contrary, bananas have been shown to cut risks of stroke, diabetes and cancers.


Stroke risk:


A group of over 90,000 women, ages 50-79, was tracked for 11 years to see how their diets predicted their stroke risk. Those who had the potassium from an extra banana each day had a 25 percent reduction in their risk of stroke.


Diabetes risk:


Along with helping diabetics lose weight, bananas lower the risk of developing diabetes.


Cancer risk:


Bananas are the most powerful fruit for cutting the risk of kidney cancer. In a large study, 61,000 adult women were asked about their diets and monitored for kidney cancer for 13.4 years. Many types of produce were helpful, but bananas were the best fruit for lowering the risk of kidney cancer.


How can you use banana skins?


Skins from green bananas can be taken and, after removing the stem and dark tip, cut into small strips 2-3 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. These strips can be made into a high-potassium tea or added to a stir fry. I love stir-frying them with onions, bok choy and mushrooms.


When you eat the skins, be sure you are eating organic bananas. The flesh of regular bananas are low in pesticides, but the skins are not.


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