


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to choose a subject of your interest than to choose those that prepare you for a job or career. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  I firmly believe it is best to choose a subject of study in which you have great interest;master that topic, then make that your career choice accordingly.
  Choosing a course of study just to get a job, make money, or “get rich” does not lead to real life fulfillment. You may get that career but if you have no real interest in it, if you do not enjoy it, you will not feel happy, situations on the job will be more irritating, you will have less patience, and you will be anxious to leave at the end of the day rather than put in the extra time to be really successful.
  On the contrary, choosing a field of study in which you have real interest and enjoy will ensure that you study more diligently. You will ask more questions because you really want to know more. You will think more analytically, thoroughly and innovatively because you are fascinated by the possibilities. Then, because you have studied so well,have mastered the topic so completely, you will automatically have an enthusiasm and knowledge base that allows you to develop a career that is fulfilling, useful for society,and financially rewarding because of the extra time, effort and thought you put into that career.
  There is also a benefit for society in general. Because you have chosen an area based on your interest, you will do it better benefiting the society in general as you produce a better product, develop a more efficient system, or make the people you serve feel happier.
  If you have chosen the area to study based on your interest, your life outside the work will also be happier because job satisfaction pretty much determines general outlook on life. Thus your personal social life and interactions with family and friends will be brighter and more satisfying.
  Without a doubt, chose to study what interest you first and let the career be a natural result of that study.
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