


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
The purpose of an institution that calls itself a "university" is to produce graduates who have been exposed to a wide variety of learning experiences. A true university should attempt to mold its students into scholars who are also "well一rounded" advocates of athletics. In this respect, then, universities most assuredly should fund sports activitiesand libraries in equal measure.
How do university students benefit from university-funded sports programs? Students participating in organized university sports learn many useful interpersonal skills that will be of benefit to them in their future careers. A student on the track team, for example, will learn how to strive for a specific goal with persistence and fortitude. A student on the basketball team will learn that teamwork may be more important than individual performance. And the benefits do not just accrue to the students who actually play the sports-the spectators also learn about loyalty and encouragement, as well as good sportsmanship in the face of defeat.
Of course, the university's libraries must also receive sufficient funding to provide students with extensive resources for acquiring knowledge.Indeed,the most prestigious universities owe a significant amount of their fame to the size of their libraries' collections. In 2008, for example, Harvard's library boasted over 16 million volumes; the Bodleian Library of Oxford University has over 11 million items. Despite the easy availability of research tools on the Internet, a "bricks and mortar" campus library remains a haven for students who relish the thought of turning the pages of a work by Shakespeare or Stephen Hawking in an atmosphere of quiet contemplation.
But it is not necessary that the university split its funding for sports and libraries right down the middle: Many university sports activities generate their own income, which can add considerably to the budget's bottom line. At a typical American university,particularly a public university (such as Ohio State or the University of Texas), the sports programs are significantly underwritten by the citizens of the community. "Booster clubs" also generate revenue by recruiting "season ticket subscribers" who receive season passes, the best seats, and other amenities.
So we can see that there really is not much of a dilemma here: The library shouldcontinue to receive the same amount of funding as the sports programs一it's just thatthe budget for the sports activities will include external sources of revenue, such asticket sales and donor contributions. If its funds are apportioned wisely, there is noreason a university cannot adequately support both its sports programs as well as itslibraries. As its name indicates, a university should provide a "universe" of knowledge一both in the classroom and on the court.


当然.大学也必须在学校图书馆建设方面投人足够的资金,为学生获取知识提供丰富的资源。确实,享有盛誉的大学都因为本校馆藏虽丰富的图书馆而享誉全球。例如,在2008年.哈佛大学称本校图书馆图书册数突破1 600万册,而牛津大学的博德利图书馆则己超过1100万册。尽管网络为我们提供了许多便利的研究工其,但校园图书馆对那些享受在静谧的环境中一页页翻阅莎士比亚或斯蒂芬·雀金作品的学生来说.仍旧是人间天堂。

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