


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A teacher's ability to relate well with the students is more important than knowing the subject well. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.
  In his beautifully filmed movie, Not One Less, Chinese director Zhang Yimou tells the story of 13-year-old Wei Minzhi, who is hired as a substitute teacher in a poor country town, even though she is only slightly older than the students. When one of the studentsleaves to find work in the city, she recruits the others to help her raise money to find him and bring him back. In the process, she teaches her students practical math. ("How many days will we need to stack bricks to earn enough for the ticket?") The students,formerly rowdy and disobedient towards this completely inexperienced teacher, rally around her, help her raise the funds, and amazingly learn math principles as well. Wei Minzhi barely knows the subject matter herself, but she is able to engage her students inthe learning process.
  The greatest teachers do more than just transfer information to their students-they encourage them to learn for themselves. In the 5'" century BC, Socrates taught his student Plato by means of a series of logical questions (a technique known as the "Socratic Method"). Plato, in turn, used what he learned from Socrates (published in the SocraticDialogues) to teach his own student, Aristotle (who then passed the lessons on to HIS student, Alexander the Great).
  In more recent times, educators have emphasized the importance of participatory learning, by which students have a say in their own course of study and can challenge themselves with problems to be solved, not just formulae to be memorized. As influential 19th-century writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe put it,"A teacher who can arouse a feeling for one single good action, for one single good poem, accomplishes more than he who fills our memory with rows and rows of natural objects, classified with name and form." In the early 20th century, pioneering educator Maria Montessori perfected her "Method," which demonstrated that children learn bestthrough self-directed study.
  There is a very famous saying about learning, attributed to Confucius, which goes:"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and 1-understand! In that run一down.elementary school, Wei Minzhi of years past-but she ended began the lesson with the same old rote up involving her students in their own learning method learning process.They might never remember a particular mathematical equation, but they will surely never forget how they used what they had learned to achieve a particular success.



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