

1. It ________ hard when I left my house.
A. is raining B. rains C. was raining D. will rain
2.The railway ________ in three years.
A. is complete B. will completed C. has completed D. will be completed
3. Don’t talk so loudly. Your father ________ .
A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. slept D. had slept
4. ----- What are you doing under the table?
----- I ________ to find my pen.
A. tried B. had tried C. try D. am trying
5. Jane and Tom ________ the door.
A. are walking at B. walk at C. walks to D. are walking to
6. How many people does the doctor know ________ of the disease?
A. are dying B. is dying C. has died D. dies
7. He ________ thin.
A. was getting B. is getting C. will getting D. had been got
8. Our team ________ every match so far this year, but we still have three games to play.
A. was winning B. has won C. had won D. wins
9. I shall tell you what he ____at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.
A. has done B. has been done C. had been doing D. was doing
10. I ________ my homework now.
A. finish B. finished C. have finished D. had finished
1. The church tower which ______ will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.
A. has restored B. has been restored C. is restoring D. is being restored
分析:D。根据句中的…will be open to tourists soon(不久将对游客开放)以及 The work is almost finished(工程差不多快结束了)可知,the church tower的修复工程还正在进行,故用现在进行时的被动语态。
2. —I’m not finished with my dinner yet.
—But our friends ______ for us.
A. will wait B. wait C. have waited D. are waiting
3. —Joan, what ______ in your hand?
—Look! It’s a birthday gift for my grandma.
A. had you held B. are you holding C. do you hold D. will you hold
Competitors are offering lower price. 竞争者正在报较低的价格。
Women are fighting for their rights. 妇女们正在为自身的权利而斗争。
1. 表示短促动作的动词(如 jump, knock, beat, pick, skip等)的进行时,表示动作的重复。如:
The girls are jumping over there. 女孩子们在那边跳。
His heart is beating fast. 他的心脏跳得很快。
2. 某些表示希望或想法的动词(如hope, wonder, want等)的进行时可以表示委婉客气。如:
I’m wondering whether you can help us now. 我不知道你现在能否给我们帮一忙。
I’m hoping that you will succeed. 我正在希望你成功呢。
He says that he won’t lend me a penny. 他说他一便士都不愿借给我。
He said that he wouldn’t lend me a penny. 他说过他一便士都不愿借给我。
Tom says that he will never get married. 汤姆说他永远不结婚。
Tom said that he would never get married. 汤姆说过他永远不结婚。
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