

Get known west and Chinese wine
People no matter in China or in western countries all have the habit of drinking wine. They regard drinking wine as an indispensable part of life. The formation way of wine culture is different in different countries. In China, the word “jiu” for alcohol is used to refer to all types of alcoholic beverages. Since long time ago China had have the stories about Du Kang who invented the method of brewing wine. A legend in western countries about the origin of wine is also spread. The wine culture was gradually formed after the appearing of wine. The phrase “the wine culture” is put forward by the renowned economist professor Li in China. In 1994, Xiao jiacheng said that the wine culture referred to the integration of material, technical, spiritual, custom, psychological, and behavior phenomenon which generated around the center. While we pride ourselves on the long history of wine culture we only to find that we depend excessively on the traditional wine culture .As a result we can not make any innovation.
There is no development and progress without innovation. In this case, we can learn from the western countries. There are varied types of wine with different raw materials, such as Gin, Whisky, Vodka, Rum, and Brandy. Even the cocktail which appeared later is confected based on some types of the wine. It is generally acknowledged that China is far away from the western countries. As a result, the way to drink is different. Even in China, there is also some difference between nationalities on the way to drink. There is also some similarities of wine culture between China and western countries although the difference exists. For example, both China and western countries have a beautiful legend about the origin of wine. The development of wine spirit accompanied with wine culture. While wine culture developed to a certain degree, schools of ideology came into being. In order to push the development of wine culture we should do our utmost to promote the international communication of the wine culture.
洋酒,是所有国外酒的统称。洋酒种类复杂,但主要有两大类。一是酿造酒,用谷类、水果或其他含淀粉或糖的植物为原料,经发酵、储存陈熟制成的酒,如葡萄酒、啤酒。法国、意大利、南非、澳大利亚等地都是葡萄酒的重要产地。二是蒸馏酒,即发酵酒再经过蒸馏、提纯和储存陈熟制成的酒,一般酒精含量都比较高,也就是我们常说的烈酒。烈酒可分为 6 类,即白兰地、威士忌、龙舌兰、朗姆、伏特加和杜松子酒。
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