
A:Hi,Kitty,you look a little down.What's up? A:嘿,基蒂,你看上去有点不开心,怎么了? B: I just had an argument with my boyfriend.Now I really don't know whether I should stick with it any longer. B: 我刚和我男朋友吵了一架。我现在真不知道到底要不要维持这段感情了。 A: Well,long distance relationship is challenging and difficult.How long have you guys been together? A:异地恋是挺有挑战也挺难的。你们在一起多长时间了? B: Almost a year.We talk to each other on the phone every day,but recently the conversations are getting dull,and we run out of words very quickly. B: 快一年了。我们每天都打电话,但最近谈话内容变得很乏味,说着说着就没的说了。 A: Well,maybe he was just busy. A: 也许他只是太忙了。 B: That's what he said. B:他就是这么说的。
A: Relationships are difficult,no matter if two people live near one another or in your case,when two people live far apart.Besides talking on the phone,there are many other things you can do together. A: 无论两人住得很近还是天各一方,恋爱关系都不容易。除了打电话以外,你们还可以一起做许多东西。 B:Oh? B:是吗? A: You can use instant messenger and a webcam for real time chat and visual connection. A:你可以试试一些即时通信程序,用摄像头来视频。 B:Yeah,I think we should try more.But I don't have a webcam. B: 是啊,我们应该试试其他的方法沟通。但我还没有摄像头。 A:Then you should definitely get one.You will be glad once you have it! A: 那就该买个啊,你不会后悔的。
A: Hi,Lisa,the other day I saw you with a tall guy.Who is he? A:嘿,莉萨,那天我看你和一个高个儿的男的在一起,他是谁啊? B: Oh,that's my boyfriend Paul. B: 哦,那是我男朋友保罗。 A: Really? I didn't know you have a boyfriend! You kept the secret so well. A:是吗?我都不知道你有个男朋友!你这秘密保守得太好了。 B: Not really.I didn't try to keep it a secret.You didn't see him before because he doesn't live here.He works and lives in Nanjing. B:没有啊。我没想保守秘密。你以前没见过他,是因为他不住在这里。他在南京工作。 A: Oh,I see.You two make a cute couple! A: 噢,我知道了。你俩真是天生的一对!
A: How long have you been together with John? A:你和约翰在一起多长时间了? B: Three years and ten days. B:3年零10天。 A:Wow,that's amazing.You know not many people can have such a long relationship,even when they live near one another.How do you maintain yours when you are so far apart? A:哇,太神奇了。你要知道即使往得很近也不是很多人能保持这么长时间的一段感情。像你们俩这么天各一方,是怎么做到的? B: I think the most important thing in a long distance relationship,as in all other relationships,is trust and faith. B: 我认为和其他恋爱一样,在异地恋中最重要的是信任和信心。 A: Yeah.Do you feel lonely when you need a hug and he is not around? A: 是啊。但当你需要一个拥抱而他不在的时候,你会不会觉得孤独呢? B: Not really.We stay connected all the time. B: 不会。我们一直保持联系。
A:Hi,Mary,here is a letter for you! A:嗨,玛丽,这儿有你一封信。 B: Thank you. B: 谢谢你。 A: Whose letter is it from? A: 是谁写来的? B: Room 201,Hangtian Building,Guangzhou.Oh,it's Jack! My boyfriend. B:广州航天大厦201室,噢,是杰克!我的男朋友。 A: Does he often write to you? A: 他经常给你写信吗? B: Yes,almost one letter each month. B:是的,几乎每月一封。 A:You are so happy. A: 你真幸福。
A:Although New Year is coming,it's hard for me to be happy. A:虽然新年快到了,我还是不能快乐起来。 B:What do you worry about? B:你在担心什么呢? A:Oh,I am missing my girlfriend. A:噢,我在想念我的女朋友。 B:You can telephone her and talk with her on the Internet. B:你可以打电话给她,也可以上网聊天。 A:That helps a little,without her I can't do anything. A: 没有,没有她在我身边我什么也做不成。 B: You're over. B:你完蛋了。
A:Hello,this is Jack speaking. A:喂,你好,我是杰克。 B:Hello,dear.This is Mary.I miss you! B:喂,亲爱的,我是玛丽,我想你! A:I miss you,too.We haven't seen each other for six months. A:我也想你啊,我们已经半年没见面了。 B:Do you know something? You fill my days with sunshine and happiness. B:你知道吗?你让我每天都觉得充满阳光和快乐。 A:Me too.Thank you,darling.Have I told you that I love you recently? You're in my thoughts every minute of the day,in my dreams every hour of the night. A:我也一样,谢谢你,亲爱的。最近我有没有告诉你我爱你?白天分分秒秒你在我的思绪中,夜里时时刻刻你在我梦里。 B:You have made me happy. B: 你已经使我感到幸福了。
A:How often do you reunite with Johnson? A:你和约翰逊要多久团聚一次呢? B:As often as we can arrange,usually once a month. B: 我们尽量多安排见面,通常是一个月一次吧。 A: Oh,that's not bad at all. A:哦,这很不错。 B:Yeah,so before we miss each other too much,we meet again. B:是啊,还没有来得及太想念对方,就又见面了。 A:Have you guys talked about your future? I mean you two can't be apart forever. A: 那你们谈过将来吗?我的意思是你们总不能一直异地恋下去吧。 B: Of course.I will go to Beijing to get a job after I graduate next year.Johnson has more or less settled there. B: 当然不会。明年毕业后我会去北京找份工作,约翰逊在那已经差不多安定下来了。
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