





Some people think that children should be allowed to watch whatever television programs they choose to. Others think that parents should exercise control over the television programs their children watch. Which do you agree with? Explainwhy.



1. Allowing kids to choose

(1.1) So they get to choose what interests them

(1.2) Learn to be independent

(1.3) So that they don’t waste anytime pretending to be interested in the programs parents force them to watch

2. Not allowing kids to choose

(2.1) Contents that are not suitable for younger viewers

(2.1.1) Sexual/voilent contents

(2.2) Parents should limit the time kids watch TV

(2.2.1) It’s easy to lose track of time; endless commercials

(2.3) Better selection of programs

(2.3.1) Educational programs from discovery channel


I think that parents should exercise control over the television programs their children watch for the following reasons. First of all, not all TV programs today are suitable for younger viewers. For example, some TV programs have sexualand violent content that would have a negative influence on children, it’d be a good idea for parents to filter out these kinds of programs for children. Second, parents should encourage children to watch more educational programs. Suchas the programs you get from the Discovery Channel. Kids can learn a lot and have a great time watching them.



I think parents should exercise control over the television programs their children watch. It’s a way of protection, since many shows are full of violent or horrifying scenes. But children are not mature enough to bear those scenes sothey may feel terrified. Take myself as an example, When I was 7-year-old, I was watching TV alone at home. I accidentally ran into a horror movie and was frightened by the horrible zombies in the movie. They eat human beings and tearbodies into pieces. I was shocked by the bloody scenes. From then on, I started to be afraid of darkness. Every time I walked along the street in the evening, I would feel a zombie following me. I didn’t get rid of the bad influencefrom that movie until high school.


观点 1:学习之前,要学会问问题详解:问出正确的问题,才能得到正确的答案,才能更快的成长。

观点 2:平时练习的时候,要练习能讲的能力,想讲的意愿,以及该讲的素材详解:想讲的能力需要通过结构性的训练习得,进而能够激发想讲的意愿,最后还需要积累该讲的素材,就离高分不远了。

观点 3:理的口语练习需要做到以下几点:重复听、模仿、思考、表达、翻译、浸泡、创造详解:动作形成习惯、习惯培养性格、性格决定命运。学习形成习惯,学英语要有善于展示的性格,自信是十分重要的因素。

观点 4:口语得高分要注意口语表达的语速、语调、重读、节奏详解: 1.语速:1 分钟 150-160 个单词;连续的,冷静性的慢要比神经质的快更能得高分。2.语调:常规语调:陈述句用降调,疑问句用升调,选择疑问前半部分先升后降,特殊语调:自信时用降调;不自信用升调;男生多用降调,女生多用升调。3.重读:重读能起到强调作用。4.节奏:要注意用语情景。5.remix:综合运用口语表达效果




话题:In a mass media class, professor talks about certain techniques in advertising to persuade consumers.


论点1:Direct route.

例子1:If a car is really energy efficient that it runs on electricity or small amount of gasoline, in advertisement, they will use facts and statistics to compare themselves with other cars, the consumers can have a pretty good sense on the functions. This is direct approach or direct route.

论点2:Indirect route

例子2:If a car is ordinary in functions, has no other obvious advantages, in advertisement it will be showing a group of people smiling and laughing, driving themselves to the beach, this is a technique that relates the car with happiness. Using associations and connections other than facts and hard evidence, is indirect route.

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