


托福 口语3-4题得分技巧




在T3的阅读短文里,中心句往往出现在第一句,而且有着明显的信号词在提醒着考生这就是中心句。这些信号词包括:plan, consider, will make, will set, etc. 考生很轻松地就能把中心句记下来。但是,同学们需要注意的是,T3中并不是只有学校的announcement,还有一些是学生对学校的建议。考生们往往在本来就紧张的情况下会误判这是一篇announcement, 从而花费大量的时间找关键词、中心句,找了半天找的零零落落,在回答的时候也用错了措辞,导致失分。

除此之外,很多同学认为T4是自己难以逾越的鸿沟,其问题往往就出在reading上。与T3不同的是,T4中reading中心句出现的位置让人难以捉摸。大多数人都以为中心句大多出现在前两句,要么就是最后一句,但事实是T4的中心句在哪都有可能出现。很多考生遇到这种情况就乱了阵脚,不知道该记哪一句,而乱记一通。这就说到了考生们在T3, T4里常犯的一个错误--抓不住重点、只记细节致失分。





前面说过,很多考生一味的认为T3就是学校的announcement, 其实还有一部分是学生的建议或提议。那么我们怎么判断这是announcement还是suggestion呢?很简单,一般在学生建议的最后都会有个最明显的标志,就是署名—Sincerely / Faithfully, XXX. 这一关键点是帮助考生判定这是一个学生建议的重要依据。其次,在文章的中间会以第一人称I作为主语多次反复强调这是我的看法和理由。比如下面这篇短文:

Close the Campus Coffee house

I propose that the university close the campus coffeehouse. Coffeehouses are great, if people actually use them, like to socialize with friends, while enjoying a cup of coffee and a snack. But students are not using our campuscoffeehouse. There are usually lots of empty tables when I passby the place.

It is just a waste of space that could be used for other things. Also, the food at the coffeehouse is not very good. The last time I was there, the cakes and muffins my friends and I ordered were dry and didn’t have much flavor.

Sincerely, Greg Smith

很明显,在本文中有大量的第一人称以及在末尾有很明显的信号这是个人的proposal, 而非announcement。所以,考生应该立即把答题模式改为From the reading passage, we learn that a student suggests the university to …. 这样就能很好的引出reading的内容,不至于套错模板,以致失分。


当文章的中心句很明显不在前两句的时候,很多考生就开始慌了,忐忑的一句句读,既没读懂也没记完。那么在这种情况下我们应该怎么办呢?那就是找信号词。信号词包括:be known as, be called, refer to, means, etc. 有些时候,这些信号词和中心句并不在一句中,那么这时候就需要另外一些信号词来帮你判断中心句在哪了。比如:However, they may grow so attached to the idea of a successful outcome that even if it starts to look like the project will fail and the disadvantages are outweighingthe benefits, they will nevertheless increase their commitment to the project rather than give up. This is known as irrational commitment. 在这几句文字中我们很快就会找到is known as这个信号词,来提示我们中心句的位置。但这一句根本没有任何相关的解释,这就需要我们用另外一个词来定位,就是代词This. 我们知道,代词出现是因为前文提到了它的所指物,所以很容易判定前一句就是对irrational commitment的解释。当然,这么长一句话需要考生对其进行提炼,从而达到简明扼要。








The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.话题:增加类


1. 题目关键词:

explain the reasons, the woman.

2. 答题要领:

(1)clearly state her stand;

(2)clearly summarize the reasons for her opposition.

3. 阅读材料特点:

(1) starting with the fall semester, free tutoring will be available to all new students for their entire first year.


(2)Reasons for this decision: 1. to assist first-year students who want or need additional support with their academic course work; 2. individual students can arrange to work with tutors majoring in their own chosen field of study

4. 听力材料要点:

(1)get extra help with the course material;

(2)get information about things like taking notes or the best way to study for exams;

(3)new students could get access to information about the program from another student’s point of view.

5. 模板:

(1) The university is planning to provide a free tutoring service for all freshmen and the listening material is a conversation between 2 students on this proposal.

(2) In the reading passage, the university made a decision that …

(3) In the talk, the woman agrees with the proposal. She has 2 reasons for her support.

(4) First, …Second, …


Explain how the experiment described by the professor illustrates the familiarity principle.话题:社会科学类



explain the experiment, illustrate.


(1)briefly state the main idea of the reading passage;

(2)concentrating on the idea given by the professor. When orally summarizing the lecture, test takers are supposed to include the main points and some examples as well.


familiarity principle: People tend to develop a preference for things they have previously encountered, things they are familiar with.


(1) The professor mentioned an experiment related to the familiarity principle.

(2) First,the researchers showed groups of students a series of distinctive,unusual shapes for a very short period of time. They also lowered the light in the room,make it even more difficult for the students to see the shapes.

(3) In the next step of experiment,they gave the students a longer time to look at the shapes.And this time they showed the images in pairs, one was a shape the students had already seen ,the other was some new shapes that hadn’t been shown.

(4) then,the researchers asked the students which of the two shapes they liked better, students preferred the shape they already seen.


(1) In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is a lecture by a professor on the same topic. 当然,如果你觉得你的听力材料的理解率很高也不用谈及阅读材料中的内容。只是第一段说起来实在太easy了。

(2) In the reading passage, it introduces a concept called…

(3) In the lecture, the professor… 不但要包括观点而且要包括教授所给的例子。
