
反对意见 英语

  1.I' m against his proposal.我不赞成。
  I'm against his proposal./I disagree with you./A object.
  I don't agree with that./I'm opposed to that proposal.
  I strongly disagree.强烈反对。

  A:What do you think about this?你的意见如何?
  B:I strongly disagree.我非常不同意。

  2.I don' t think so.我不这样想。
  I dorit think so./Not really./A don't see it that way.
  I have a different opinion.

  A:Don't you think it is better for both of us?你不觉得这对我们两个人都好吗?
  B:I don't think so.我不这样认为。

反对意见 英语
  3.It' s impossible.那不可能。
  It's impossible./It's never going to work./Fat chance.

  W:What do you think about the Women's Liberation Movement?你如何看待妇女解放运动?
  M:I'm not in favor of it. I think women should accept their traditional role of being housewives.我不赞成。我认为妇女应当接受她们传统的角色,做家庭妇女。

  W:I really disagree with you. Women should enjoy the same rights as men.Why can't a woman have her own career?我很不同意你的想法。女性应当和男性享有同样的权利。为什么一个女人不能有她自己的事业呢?
  M:Women and men have different advantages. Women are generally tender and considerate, so are suitable for caring for kids and so on.But because they're often too emotional, they're not likely to be as successful in the professional world.女人和男人有各自不同的优势。女性通常温柔体贴,所以适合照顾孩子等。但是因为她们常常感情用事,她们不太可能在职场上取得同样的成功。

  W:Those are stereotypes. There are many cases prove that women are just as competent in fields of law,management and so on这些都是老一套了.有很多例子可以证明女性在法律、管理等领域里和男性一样有能力。
  M:There are some, but not many.有一些,但不多。

  W:That's because there are still too many prejudiced men. And too few women have woken up to their rights.That's where the Women's Liberation Movement comes into play.那是因为现在仍然有很多手夺有偏见的男人,而且太少的女人意识到他们(拥有的)权利。那就是为什么会产生妇女运动的原因。
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