

  停业  Closed.
  此路不通  Blocks.
  谨防恶犬  Beware of furious dogs.
  请勿触摸高压线。  Don't touch high-tension wire.
  免费入场  Admittance free.

  儿童谢绝入场。  Children not admitted.
  修理店面,暂时歇业  Closed for repaired.
  假日休息  Closed for holiday.

  禁止拍照  Cameras forbidden.
  全部预订  All reserved.
  前方急转  Sharp turn ahead.
  无人   Vacant.

  私人空间  Private.
  下班了   Time's over.
  左转   Turn left.
  请上楼   Upstairs.

  前方施工  Workmen ahead.
  谢绝参观  Visitors declined.
  此端向上  This side up
  车辆慢行  Drive slowly

  小心烟火  See to fire.
  推  Push.
  拉  Pull.
  禁止吸烟  No smoking
  医院附近,保持安静  Hospital, silence.

  对号入座  Seat by number.
  外人止步  Staff members only.
  请往后站  Stand back.
  禁止吐痰  Spitting forbidden.
  禁止打猎  Shooting prohibited.

  已经预订  Reserved.
  夜间有事,请按此铃  Night bell.
  爱护公共财物  Protect public property.
  ►public property公共财物
  请勿触碰  Please keep hands off.

  减速行驶  Reduce speed now.
  请随手关门  Please shut the door after use.
  马路翻修,请绕行  Road up, detour.
  ►detour n.绕弯:迁回:绕道而行

  肃静  Keep silence.
  不得入内  Keep out.
  游客止步  Out of bounds.
  单行道  One way traffic.
  无路可走,没有出路  No way out.

  不准超车  No passing permitted.
  禁止超车  No overtaking.
  禁止鸣笛  No honking
 禁止泊车  No parking.
  禁止停留  No standing
  禁止钓鱼  No fishing
  不准招贴  No bills.
  小贩禁止叫卖  No hawkers.
  此路不通  No thoroughfare.

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