


校园简单的 英语 口语 之一

1. you’re allowed to have some drink in the evening.class 晚上上课时,大家可以喝水。


2. during the class, i notice some of you looks sleepy。我注意到有些同学课上精神不振。

3. i don’t think you had a good rest yesterday。 我想你可能是昨天没有休息好。

4. now you are allowed to take a three-miunte catnap.现在你可以休息三分钟。

5. and then,all of you must be in good (high) spirits.。然后,大家都要振作精神。

6. this class will be over in a moment, now let’s take a nap(break ,catnap).本课时将近结束,大家可以休息一会儿。

7. but you know(should understand), this doesn’t mean that you can take a rest in class freely.但是你得明白,这不是说你可以上课时随便休息。

8. could i have your attention?请注意了。

9. don’t fidget sth(about).不要搞小动作。



1. what strikes you most in the lesson?这节课给你印象最深的是什么?

2. we’ll look at some difficult points in this text.我们要看一下这篇课文的难点。

3. i’ll give you some homework to do, everyone of you must do it well,ok?我给大家布置一些作业,大家能够尽力做好吗?

4. do you like the pop music? whose music do you like?你喜欢流行音乐吗?喜欢谁的音乐?

5. now let’s enjoy the tape of a famous popular singer miss tianzhen.现在欣赏一下在大歌星田震的磁带。

6. you needn’t erase the backboard after class.课下你不必擦黑板。

7. it’s impolite to mutter to one another in class.上课交头接耳不礼貌。

8. some day next week, some leaders and teachers will attend (be here to see) our chinese class, we’d better make preparations for it.下周,一些领导和老师要来听课,我们还是略做一点准备。

9. excuse me, from yesterday on, sth has been wrong with my throat.请原谅,从昨天起,我的咽喉痛得很厉害。

10. now i can’t say anything in this class.这节课,我几乎什么也不能讲。



1. i’ll write two study tasks on the blackboard.我在黑板上给大家写上两个学习任务。

2. i hope you can do it well by yourselves.我希望大家能自己做好。


3. you may discuss (have a discussion about sth) in groups(with you classmates,in pairs).你也可以分组讨论。

4. and you may look through the new article-----lesson ten.你可以浏览新课----第十课。

5. please read the notes to the text in class again.你可以课堂上再看看注释。

6. let’s read the exercise of the text, look at exercise .no.2.看看课文的练习,第二题。

7. we have two chinese classes this afternoon, let’s practise writing a composition.今天下午有两节语文课,我们练习一篇作文。

8. we’ll put down(stop, won’t practise)the oral composition this period.这节课我们不做口头作文。

9. there’re several titles of the composition on the blackboard,黑板上有好几个作文题目。



1. you may choose one of them to write.你可以选其中一个进行练习。

2. you gotta(be going to) pay attention to the requests(demand).大家一定要注意这些要求。

3. i think you ought to finish it in two classes(it’ll take you two classes to ).我认为大家用两节课可以写完它。

4. everyone of you must hand it in at the end of the next class。每个同学在下节课结束时都要上交这份作业。

5. this assignment will take us two hours to finish it.这项工作需要我们两个小时才能完成。

6. section monitor of chinese, collect all the compositions and take them to my office , please.语文科代表,你要收上全部作文,把它们放在我的办公桌上。

7. she is good at handwriting(her handwriting is good).她的字写得不错。
