


关于 英语 口语 对话

dr. rosen:: 48% of high school girls and 61% of boys are sexually active in the u.s.


mrs. smith: it is amazing how many teens are having sex (发生性关系)in the 90s. our country has become totally promiscuous(男女关系混乱的). i understand that nearly one million teenage girls become pregnant each year.

dr. rosen: that's true. but america wasn't always this way. when i was a boy, teen pregnancy was almost unheard of. and if a girl did become pregnant, she was ostracized(受到排斥的). rampant promiscuity in our society has only been around since the mid 1960's. that when the so-called "sexual revolution" began.

mrs. smith: yes, i've heard about it even though i was just kid during the 60s. things are certainly different now. today, nobody even blinks(眨眼) when they hear about someone becoming pregnant.

dr. rosen: that's because it's become an "everyday thing."

mrs. smith: what really bothers me, is that all these young, unmarried mothers are all on welfare, and it's you and i who are paying for them sowing their wild oats(播种野燕麦,比喻性生活放荡).

dr. rosen: i would have to agree. what's worse, is that it doesn't stop there. sexually active teens are far more likely than those who have never had sex to practice a number of self-destructive behaviors including drug and alcohol abuse(吸毒酗酒), school delinquency(青少年学生犯罪), even suicide. we tend to look at these problems in isolation, but studies show that they are usually connected to each other.



steve:: what's your favorite movie of all time?

michelle: that's a good question? i don't know. maybe "forrrest gump"(《阿甘正传》).

steve: why "forrest gump"?

michelle: because i love tom hanks, and i thought it had a lot of clever tie-ins(联系,关联); it was like a photo album of the country during the last 30 years..

steve: that was a good show. okay. here's a little bit of movie trivia(小问题) for you: what movie is the top-grossing (票房收入最高的;毛利最高的)film of all time?

michelle: oh, that's easy. "jurassic park(〈侏罗纪公园〉)". it's the only film that has grossed over a billion dollars in history.

steve: that's true. but when a film's gross is adjusted for inflation, the highest-grossing film is "gone with the wind". okay, what director has 7 of the top 40 highest-grossing films of all time?

michelle: a piece of cake. steven spielberg. give me something that's challenging.

steve: okay. who said "go ahead, make my day!"?

michelle: clint eastwood.

steve: all right. what was dustin hoffman's debut movie(第一部电影)?

michelle: "the graduate".

steve: what year did it come out?

michelle: i don't know. 1970?

steve: wrong. 1968.



bart:: there's a new resurgence in binge drinking (聚众饮酒作乐)among american college students.

lisa: yes, i've head about it. so what?.

bart: unfortunately, college women are gaining ground on (追上,接近,逼近...) men for the title of campus drunk.(校园酒鬼的称号)

lisa: really? drinking among college students has been going on for decades. why are women drinking more now?

bart: i don't know, but the percentage of college women drinking to get drunk has more than tripled over the past 15 years, says a new report from columbia university.

lisa: i guess that's really not that surprising. women are beginning to assert themselves more in every aspect of society.


bart: i know a lot of people are shrugging this off (对某事听之任知,不予重视)as just a teenage rite of passage, but it's more serious than that. i read in usa today that alcohol is involved in 90% of all rapes, 80% of all vandalism (蓄意破坏公物或他人私有财产的行经)cases, 40% of all academic problems and 28% of all dropout (辍学)problems.

lisa: i have to admit, that is shocking! i never realized that booze (酒,痛饮)was so connected with crime.

bart: what's even worse is that as many as 360,000 of today's undergraduates ultimately will die from alcohol-related causes - more than will get advanced degrees.

lisa: that's downright (彻底地,十分地))depressing. i'll bet that fraternities (大学男生联谊会)and sororities (大学女生联谊会)have a lot to do with that.



jane:: i have an acne problem. what causes acne?

doctor: acne is caused when skin pours (皮肤毛孔)become clogged with (被...堵塞,被...填满) dirt. but other factors such as diet and stress have been linked to acne.

jane: i've had pimples (丘疹)for years. is there anything i can do to get rid of them?

doctor: thousands of young people suffer from acne. i can prescribe some medication that will help you.

jane: will this help my oily skin?

doctor: i'll give you a special facial scrub..

jane: how long will it take this stuff to work?

doctor: you should start to see some positive results within a week.

jane: what if it doesn't work?.

doctor: there's a number of things we can try. we can always give you a stronger medication.

jane: did you ever problems with acne?

doctor: when i was in high school i was known as the "acne king"

jane: what did you do about it?

doctor: not much. back then (过去那个时候)there wasn't the kind of medicines and treatments as there are now.

jane: did it affect your social life?

doctor: no, i just dated girls who had acne too.
