
  Women live longer than men. It is unfair,but true. In developed countries, the average difference is five or six years. In the poor world the gap is smaller, owing to the risks of childbirth. But nowhere is it absent. The question is, why?
  That question can be answered at two levels. An evolutionary biologist would tell you that it is because women get evolutionary bonus points from living long enough to help bring up the grandchildren. Men. by contrast. wear themselves out competing for the right to procreate in the first place. That is probably true, but not much help to the medical profession. However, a group of researchers at John Moores University·in Liverpool. England·has just come up with:、medically useful answer. It is that while 70-year-old men have the hearts of 70-year-olds, those of their female peers resemble the hearts of 20-year-olds.
  David Goldspink·who revels in the title of Professor of Cell and Molecular Sports Science at John Moores, and his colleagues looked at 250 volunteers aged between 18 and 80 over the course of two years. All the volunteers were healthy but physically inactive. The team's principal finding was that the power of the male heart falls by 20一25% between the ages of 18 and 70,while that of the female heart remains undiminished.
  Each volunteer's heart function was measured before exercise and at peak exertion on a treadmill.In particular, the researchers measured blood flow and blood pressure. Their subjects were also given an ultrasonic scan to measure the size of the chambers of their hearts, the thickness of the heart's muscular wall,and its filling and emptying actions.
  The researchers found that between the ages of 20 and 70, men lose one-third of the contractile muscle cells in the walls of their hearts. Over the same period,women lose hardly any contractile cells. There is a strong link between the number of these cells and the function of the heart. What remains a mystery is why men lose these cells and women do not.
  A previous theory of why women outlive men suggested that the female sex hormone·oestrogen·could have a protective effect on the heart. But Dr Goldspink dismisses this idea, saying that there is no discernible drop-off in female heart function after menopause,when oestrogen levels decrease dramatically. However. oestrogen does have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. The study found that blood flow to the muscles and skin of the limbs decreases with age in both sexes. The changes in the structure of the blood vessels occur earlier in men.but women catch up soon after menopause.
  It's not all bad news for men, though. In a related study,the team found that the hearts of veteran male athletes were as powerful as those of inactive 20-year-old male undergraduates. But can men really recover lost heart function after a lifetime of inactivity and poor diet? Is it ever too late to start exercising? "I think the answer is no,”says Dr Goldspink.“The health benefits to be gained from sensible exercise are to be recommended·regardless of age.”
  Choose the correct letter, A. B, C, or D.
  Write your answers in hoxes 1一3 on your answer sheet.
  1 .The main aim of this passage is to_
  A .clarify the life patterns of both men and women.
  B .explain the mechanism of the hearts of both women and men.
  C .demonstrate why women enjoy longer life than men.
  D .illustrate the difference between the hearts of young men and old women.
  2. According to Dr. David Goldspink·women live longer than men because_A .it is nature's design for women to bring up the third generation.
  B .women's hearts are stronger than those of men's in their old age.
  C .women have oestrogen, which can help to protect the heart.
  D .women's hearts lose more contractible cells than men's.
  3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
  A .Scientists have now made important discoveries on why there is a significant difference in the loss of contractible cells in men and women.
  B .Oestrogen does not have any beneficial effect on women's health.
  C .For women·blood flow to the muscles and skin of the limbs hardly changes in their old age.
  D .Even though an old man has always been inactive in his life, starting to exercise now is not too late解析
  1.答案是C。通过题干可以看出,这是一道全文主旨题。考生需要做的是迅速略读全文,抓住主题句和关键词,概括出全文大意.在四个选择项中选出正确答案。第一段的起始句Women live longer than men和结束句The question is. why?可以给考生提供重要的信息:女性活得比男性长.而文章要探究的是为什么。而通过略读下面几段话的起始句可以了解,这几段是对为什么女性活得比男性长的解释,尤其是医学上的解释。四个选项中,只有C是答案。
  答案是B。通过题干可以看出,这是一道观点概括题。考生应对David Goldspink出现的句子格外留心。第三段中提到了David Goldspink和他的助手们所做的研究,后一句话是关于研究结果的:18到70岁之间的男性在两年间的心脏功能下降20%-25%,而同年龄段的女性心脏功能基本不变。选择项中只有B符合这一研究结果。实际上,在能够确定B是正确答案后.其余几个可以不用看了。
  答案是D。这是一道细节题,仅通过题干看不出任何对答题有帮助的线索,必须迅速浏览四个选项.抓住关键词。A项中,关键词是important discoveries和difference in the loss of contractible cells。在第五段中出现I contractible cells,并且男女年老时在这一方面确实有很大区别。但是,后一句话指出.为什么男性会失去这些细胞而女性不会仍然是个谜(mystery),并非A项中所说的“己作出重大发现”,因此A项不正确。B项中出现的oestrogen对考生而言肯定是个生词.但没必要担心,只需要在文中找这个词和与此相关的信息即可。第六段中出现了此词,在此段中间,根据However, oestrogen does have a beneficial effect on blood vessels这一句.可以明确这一物质对女性健康肯定是有好处的,B项与原文意思不符。C项关键词是blood flow to the muscles and skin of the limbs,第六段中出现了此词组,这句原文的意思是不沦男性还是女性,随着年龄增长,肌肉和四肢皮肤的血液流动都会降低(decreases), C项中女性这方面hardly changes与原文不符。后一段提到了男性的补救方法,后两句表明,不论年龄大小(regardless of age).开始锻炼不会嫌晚。D项假设的情况与原文的意思相符,因此是正确答案。
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