

  The most important quality in an employee is not the specific knowledge acquired or technical competence. Instead, it is the ability to work well with other employees. To what extent do you agree or disagree?一个员工重要的素质不在于技术能力或者具体知识,相反,在于与其他员工合作的能力你同意还是不同意这种观点呢?
  Whether the ability to work with others is more important than specific knowledge and technical competence has long been a controversial issue. In general, I suppose social skills are more critical than technical competence to the ultimate success of an organisational unit.
  Admittedly, some level of technological competence and specific knowledge are needed to perform any job. Without some knowledge of the systems, procedures and vocabulary used in one' s department or division, an employee can not communicate effectively with peers or contribute meaningfully to the team goals.By the same token, however, nearly every job一even those in which technical ability would seem to be paramount importance一calls for some skills in working with others. Computer programmers, for example, work in teams to develop products according to the agreed-on specifications and timelines. Scientists and researchers must collaborate to establish common goals and to coordinate efforts.
  Moreover, employees can generally learn technical skills and gain specific knowledge through on-the-job training and continuing education. Social skills, on the other hand, are more innate and not easily learned. They are, therefore,requisite skills that employees must possess at the outset if the organisation is to succeed. Specific knowledge does play a critical role in some highly-technical jobs.
  Nevertheless, the ability to work with others is ultimately more important, since all jobs require this ability and since it is more difficult to learn social skills on the
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