

  The fantastic development of computers has made it possible for people to livebetter than ever possible before. It seems that people can never do without them.One good illustration is that with computers updating, all kinds of languages cannow be translated by computers. Some people even hold the opinion that with this,children do not need to learn foreign languages. The argument seems reasonable,but speaking for myself, I totally disagree with it.
  The quality of computer translation cannot be ensured. It is clear that computerscan only translate literally or word by word. Sometimes, we find ourselves confusedby the head-scratching puzzlement about what they really want to tell. What makesmatters worse is that machine translation is used in literature and science translation.The prime of some masterpieces can never be appreciated and some facts may bedistorted.
  Additionally, a foreign language is always closely related to a country's culturesand customs. To study a foreign language well, one is supposed to not only focuson language learning itself, but also attach importance to a country's cultures andcustoms from which the language stem. This practice can only be experienced by alearner himself/herself. Computer translation, in this case, settles nothing and cannotreplace people's own efforts.
  The charm of a language also lies in the fact that it is a precious gift of humanbeings. When studying a foreign language, students can develop their intelligence,stimulate their imagination and creativity, form a good habit of industry and strengthentheir confidence. The process of learning a foreign language is actually the way tocultivate students' all-around development. Computer translation, however wondederfulit is, can never play such a role in this process.
  Eye-catching as computer translation may seem, it is by no means a cure-allsolution. Maybe, with it, students can study a foreign language better. However, itcannot replace the role of students in learning a foreign language. After all, it is humanbeinqs who are the master of languages.



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