
  a big/large family大家庭
  a family of five五口之家
  a family with three children有3个孩子的家庭.
  a farm family/home农家
  a letter home/a letter from home家书
  a long-lived family长寿家庭
  a lower-income family低收人家庭
  a man of distinguished family家世I赫的人
  a middle-income family中等收入家庭
  a millionaire family百万富翁
  a poor/needy family贫困的家庭
  a respectable household体面人家
  a short-lived family寿命短的家庭
  a nuclear family核心家庭,小家庭(只包括父母和子女).
  a wealthy family富裕的家庭
  a well-ordered/well-regulated household井然有序的家庭.
  a well-to-do family小康之家
  a young girl of good family良家少女
  an ancient and highly respectable/reputablefamily古老的名门世家.
  an aristocratic/noble family贵族家庭
  an extended family大家庭(数代人共居)
  an orderly housewife有条理的家庭主妇
  an upper-income/a high-income family高收人家庭.
  abandon one's family抛弃家庭

  be home from Harvard for the holidays从哈佛大学回家度假.
  be not in/be out不在家
  break-down of a family家庭破裂
  bring up a family抚育子女
  class status of one's family/family origin家庭出身.
  come of a musical family出身于音乐之家
  conjugal family姻亲家庭
  consanguine family 血亲家庭
  disgrace one's family给家庭丢脸
  do housework做家务
  domestic animal/livestock家畜
  domestic refrigerator家用冰箱
  domestic service家庭服务
  each and every family/every household家家户户.

  fall into homesickness患思乡病
  family belongings家当
  family burden/cares/worries家累
  family education/upbringing家教
  family financial situation家道,家境
  family history家史
  family livelihood家计
  family members/dependents家属
  family property家产
  family quarrel/domestic discord家庭纠纷
  family scandal/the skeleton in the cupboard家丑.
  family tree/genealogy家谱
  feed and clothe one's family供养家庭
  feel terribly homesick思乡心切
  fisherman's family渔家
  found a family建立家庭

  go home回家
  handed down from the elder generations ofthe family家传.
  have a family of a son and:,daughter有一子和一女的家庭.
  home/family life家庭生活
  hometown/native place家乡
  household appliances家用电器
  household chores家务劳动
  household duties家务
  household sideline production家庭副业
  keep one's family from want使家庭免遭物质晓乏.
  limit one's family限制生育子女
  maintain/support one's family养家
  maternal love for a child对孩子的母爱
  members of a family家庭成员
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