
  a man of robust health身体强健的人
  be blessed with good health享有健康之福
  benefit one's health有利于健康
  broken-down health衰弱之极的健康状况
  build up one's health增强健康
  choose wholesome leisure time activities选扦有益身心的休闲活动.
  come of a long-lived ancestry出生在一个长寿的家庭.
  endanger one's health危害健康.
  enjoy health and longevity健康长寿
  enjoy perfect bodily health身休十分健康
  failing health日渐衰弱的健康状况
  good for one's health有益于健康
  harden one's health使身体结实起来

  improve one's health by exercise通过锻炼增进健康.
  in broken health/broken in health体弱多病.身体垮了.
  in declining health身体每况愈下
  in delicate health身体纤弱
  in feeble health身体虚弱
  in mental and bodily health/sound in body andmind身心健康.
  in strong health身体强健
  in vigorous health身体强壮
  in weak health身体虚弱
  injure one's health with anxiety and strain由于焦虑和操劳而损害健康.
  inquire after one's health问候某人

  keep/maintain one's health保持身体健康
  lose one's health失去健康
  moral health精神上的健康
  on account of ill health健康不佳
  propose the health of the guests建议为客人的健康干杯.
  protect the health of one's teeth and mouth保护牙齿和口腔的健康.
  restore/regain one's health恢复健康
  risk one's health拿健康胃险
  ruin/undermine/wreck one's health毁了自己的健康.
  seriously threaten one's health严重威胁身体健康.
  stay healthy保持健康
  suffer in health/bc out of health身体不好.
  the public health公共卫生
  the way to preserve health养生之道
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