


Mu Guiying is a character in the opera and novel Generals of the Yang Family which tells of the Yang family that safeguarded the country for four generations during the Northern Song Dynasty. Mu Guiying was the wife of the respected official Yang Zongbao who was of the third generation that guarded the border in Yang family. She had extraordinary martial arts skills. After her husband died in a war, Mu Guiying suppressed her sorrow and led all the widows in Yang family to make the war against the Western Xia Kingdom. Mu Guiying Takes Command was originally a Yu Opera which Mei Lanfang adapted into a Peking Opera in 1959.

穆桂英是戏剧和小说《杨家将》(Generals of the Yang Family)中的一个人物, 它讲述的是北宋时期杨家四代人保卫国家的故事。穆桂英是受人尊敬的官员杨宗 保的妻子,杨宗保是第三代守卫边疆的杨家人。穆桂英武艺非凡。她的丈夫在一 场战争中战死后,穆桂英抑制住悲伤,带领所有的杨家寡妇向西夏王国(the Western Xia Kingdom)开战。《穆桂英挂帅》(Mu Guiying Takes Command)起初是豫剧(Yu Opera),1959年梅兰芳将其改编为京剧。



Zhuge Liang was an outstanding politician and strategist in the Three Kingdoms Period in Chinese history. He was a brilliant genius with great strategy and wisdom. He dedicated all his life to the career of fighting for the country until he passed away on the way to crusade against the country Wei. He repaid his emperor with undisputable loyalty all through his life. Besides loyalty, his wisdom, capacity and strategy to administer the country Shu perfectly accorded with the Confucius’s ideal way of being an official in feudal times. So Zhuge Liang became a famous official with joint praise by officials and common people in Chinese history.

诸葛亮是中国历史上三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period)—位杰出的政治家和战略家。他是一个才华横溢的天才,有着伟大的策略和智慧。他将自己的一生投人到为国征战中,直到在伐魏(crusade against the country Wei)的途中去世。他的一生以无可争议的忠诚回报了他的君主。除了忠诚,他的智慧、才能和治理蜀国的策略都与儒家思想中作为臣子(official in feudal times)的典范完全相符。所以诸葛亮成为中国历史上有名的受到官员和百姓共同赞扬的大臣。


Zhu Geliang was an outstanding strategist and statesman in the Three Kingdoms period.He assisted Liu Bei in fighting a series of wars and uniting allies to help expand Liu Bei's territory and enhance his strength. Appointed as the Prime Minister after the foundation of the Shu state, he took charge of government affairs, military affairs, ethnic communications and agricultural production and so on. Being a celebrated artist, he was fond of calligraphy, painting and music. He also invented and reformed some transportation tools and traditional weapons, which made him an excellent inventor. Zhu Geliang is regarded as a man of great wisdom by the Chinese and legendary stories about him are still widespread. A number of traditional Chinese idioms are related to him.

诸葛亮是三国时期(the Three Kingdoms Period)杰出的军事家和政治家。他帮助刘备打了一系列的战争,联合盟友,不断扩张刘备的领地、增强刘备的实力。蜀国(the Shu State)建立后,他被任命为丞相(Prime Minister)管理政务、军事、民族交流和农业生产等事务。诸葛亮也是一位有名的艺术家,爱好书法(calligraphy)绘画和音乐。他还发明或改造了一些运输工具和传统兵器,是一位出色的发明家。中国人认为诸葛亮是非常有智慧的人,他的传奇故事至今仍广泛流传。中国很多的传统习语都与他有关。


Qu Yuan, born in the Xiling Gorge area of what is today western Hubei province, was a minister in the government of the state of Chu, descended from nobility and a champion of political loyalty and truth eager to maintain the Chu state's power. Qu Yuan advocated a policy of alliance with the other kingdoms of the period against the hegemonic Qin state, which threatened to dominate them all. Legend has it that the Chu king fell under the influence of other corrupt, jealous ministers who slandered Qu Yuan and banished his most loyal counselors. It is said that Qu Yuan returned first to his family's home town. In his exile, he spent much of this time collecting legends and rearranging folk odes while travelling the countryside, producing some of the greatest poetry in Chinese literature and expressing fervent love for his state and his deepest concerns for its future.

According to legend, his anxiety brought him to an increasingly troubled state of health; during his depression, he would often take walks near a certain well, during which he would look upon his reflection in the water and his own person, thin and gaunt. According to legend, this well became known as the "Face Reflection Well." Today on a hillside in Xiangluping in Hubei province's Zigui, there is a well which is considered to be the original well from the time of Qu Yuan.

In 278 BC, learning of the capture of his country's capital, Ying, by General Bai Qi of the state of Qin, Qu Yuan is said to have written the lengthy poem of lamentation called "Lament for Ying" and later to have waded into the Miluo river in today's Hunan Province holding a great rock in order to commit ritual suicide as a form of protest against the corruption of the era.

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