
一、must+动词原形 / must+完成式
1. must+动词原形
There must be another way of doing it. 一定有别的方法做这件事。
Going by her clothes, she must be very rich. 从她的衣着来判断,她一定很有钱。
2. must+完成式
I can’t find my ticket. I think I must have lost it. 我找不到我的票。我想我一定是把它弄丢了。
As she is not here, I suppose she must have gone home. 她既然不在这里,我料想她必定是回家了。
二、can+动词原形 / can+完成式 / could+动词原形 / could+完成式
1. can+动词原形
That can’t be Mary — she’s in hospital. 那个人不可能是玛丽——她住院了。
The moon cannot always be at the full. 月不可能常圆。
You’ll see the building on your left. You can’t miss it. 那栋建筑在你的左手边。你一定不会看不到的。
注:有时 can 表推测也用于肯定句,但主要表示理论上的可能性,即从理论上看是可能的,但实际未必会发生。如:
Food poisoning can cause death. 食物中毒可导致死亡。
You can go to prison for dangerous driving. 鲁莽驾驶可导致入狱。
Vitamin deficiency can lead to illness. 身体缺乏维生素就会生病。
另外,有时 can 用于肯定句还可表示偶尔的可能性,意为“有时会”,其后通常接“be (get, seem, become等)+形容词”。如:
It can get very hot here. 这里有时会很热。
Smiling can be an expression of contempt. 微笑有时可能表达轻蔑。
2. can+完成式
You can’t have forgotten her. 你不可能已忘记他了。
They can’t have gone out because the light’s on. 他们不可能出去了,因为灯还亮着。
Can he have left already? 他会已经离开了吗?
3. could+动词原形
意思是“可能”,用于对现在或将来情况作推测,可以用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句(注意此时的 could 并不是 can 的过去式,只是语气不及用can肯定)。如:
Could this be true? 这可能是真的吗?
It could rain later this evening. 今晚晚些时候也许会下雨。
You couldn’t be hungry. You’ve just had dinner. 你不会饿的。你刚吃过饭。
4. could+完成式
用于对过去情况作推测,可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。意思是“可能已经”(在具体翻译时不一定这样直译,但通常应包括类似的含义)。 如:
She could have forgotten to tell him. 她可能忘记告诉他了。
She could not have been more than sixteen at [by] that time. 那时她不可能超过16岁。
Why does he know this? Could someone have told him about it? 他怎么知道? 会是哪个人告诉他了吗?
1. 在语境中考查情态动词的用法
(1) In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you _______ take care of your luggage.
A. can B. may C. must D. will
(2)—What do you think we can do for our aged parents?
—You _______ do anything except to be with them and be yourself.
A. don’t have to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t
答案为A。将四个选项分别代入句中,显然只有A最合适。don’t have to意为“不必”。全句意为:你不必做什么,只需陪陪他们,真诚地对待他们。
2. 考查“情态动词+完成式”的用法
(1)—Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.
—You _______ it in the wrong place.
A. must put B. should have put C. might put D. might have put
答案为D。根据I remember I put it here yesterday可知,put用的是一般过去时,也就是说空格处是对过去情况作推测,故可排除A和C。再根据should have put(本来应该放在)和might have put(可能已放在)的不同意思和句子语境可知,此题应选D不能选B。
(2) This cake is very sweet. You _______ a lot of sugar in it.
A. should put B. could have put C. might put D. must have put
3. 考查情态动词所使用的特定句型
In winter the winds can be pretty cold. 冬天风有时很冷。
Children can be very tiring. 孩子们有时候可以让你很伤脑筋。
(1) The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it _______be very slow.
A. should B. must C. will D. can
答案为 D。can在此表示理论上的推测,可译为“有时”。全句意为:World Wide Web(互联网)有时被人们开玩笑地称为World Wide Wait(全世界都在等),因为它有时会很慢。
(2) Some aspects of a pilot’s job _______ be boring, and pilots often _______ work at inconvenient hours.
A. can; have to B. may; can C. have to; may D. ought to; must
答案为A。第一空填can,表示理论上的推测,意为“有时会”;第二空填have to指客观上的要求使得飞行员不得不这样做。
Now sit down and make yourself comfortable. You must be very tired. 现在坐下来,让自己舒服些,你一定很累了。
He must have come this way; here are his footprints. 他一定是走这条路来的,这里还有他的脚印呢。
His only explanation was that he must have brought them home in order to continue his work. 他的解释是,自己想必是为了继续工作而把它们带回家了。
1. Harry is feeling uncomfortable. He ______ too much at the party last night. (2013辽宁卷)
A. could drink B. should drink C. would have drunk D. must have drunk
2. Since nobody gave him any help, he ______ have done the research on his own. (2013课标卷II)
A. can B. must C. would D. need
表示可能性较大的情态动词主要有may, should, ought to,它们大致相当于汉语的“可能”“应该”“按理会”。如:
You could try the drugstore, but it may well be closed by now. 你可以到杂货店去试试,但现在很可能关门了。
I wonder what’s happened to Annie. She should be here by now. 不知安妮出什么事了,到现在她应该到了。
若是要对过去情况作较大可能性的推测,则要用“may (should, ought to)+完成式”。如:
I should have gone this morning but I was feeling a bit ill. 今天早晨我本应该走的,但是我觉得有点不舒服。
1. When I was a child, I ______ watch TV whenever I wanted to. (2013江西卷)
A. should B. could C. must D. need
2. It ______ be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words. (2013安徽卷)
A. may B. couldn’t C. should D. needn’t
I might come and visit you in America next year, if I can save enough money. 如果我能存在足够的钱,我明年可能来美国探望你。
My wife's in hospital—our baby could arrive at any time. 我妻子住进了医院——我们的小宝宝随时都可能出生。
若是要对过去情况作较大可能性的推测,则要用“might (could)+完成式”。如:
He drove so fast; he might have had a bad accident. 驾驶那么快,他可能会出车祸的。
1. —You needn’t take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain.
—Well, I don’t know. It ______ do. (2013北京卷)
A. might B. need C. would D. should
2. —What are you doing this Saturday?
—I’m not sure, but I ______ go to the Rolling Stones concert. (2013重庆卷)
A. must B. would C. should D. might
3. I ______ myself more —it was a perfect day. (2013浙江卷)
A. shouldn’t have enjoyed B. needn’t have enjoyed
C. wouldn’t have enjoyed D. couldn’t have enjoyed
Even an experienced climber can get into trouble. 哪怕是有经验的登山者也可能陷入困境。
Noise can be quite a problem when you’re living in a flat. 住在公寓里,噪音可能是一个不小的问题。
If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
You’ll see the building on your left. You can’t miss it. 那栋建筑在你的左手边。你一定不会看不到的。
From her knowledge of Douglas’s habits, she feels sure that the attacker can’t have been Douglas. 根据她对道格拉斯生活习惯的了解,她敢肯定袭击者不可能是道格拉斯。
1. I______ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home. (2012陕西卷)
A. won’t B. can’t C. can D. will
2. —Why are your eyes so red? You ______ have slept well last night.
—Yeah, I stayed up late writing a report. (2013四川卷)
A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. won’t
1. —I thought you wouldn’t mind.
—Well, as a matter of fact I don’t, but you _______ me first.
A. should ask B. should have asked
C. must ask D. must have asked
2. —I called you yesterday. A woman answered, but I didn’t recognize her voice.
—Oh, it _______ my aunt Jean.
A. must be B. must have been
C. might be D. can have been
3. That car nearly hit me; I _______.
A. might be killed B. might have been killed
C. may be killed D. may been killed
4. He _______ the test again, in which case, his mother will be very disappointed.
A. might fail B. must have failed
C. should fail D. could have failed
5. —Why didn’t she come to the meeting yesterday?
—I’m not so sure. She _______ ill.
A. should be B. should have been
C. must be D. might have been
6. Why did you just sit and watch? You _______ me.
A. could help B. should help
C. could have helped D. must have helped
7. We _______ have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.
A. needn’t B. may not C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
8. — I think I’ll give Bob a ring.
— You _______. You haven’t been in touch with him for ages.
A. will B. may C. have to D. should
9. — What’s the name?
— Khulaifi. _______ I spell that for you?
A. Shall B. Would C. Can D. Might
10. If it were not for the fact that she _______ sing, I would invite her to the party.
A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. might not
11. — Must he come to sign this paper himself?
— Yes, he _______.
A. need B. must C. may D. will
12. —May I smoke here?
—If you _______, choose a seat in the smoking section.
A. should B. could C. may D. must
13. — Could I have a word with you, mum?
— Oh dear, if you _______.
A. can B. must C. may D. should
14. We hope that as many people as possible _______ join us for the picnic tomorrow.
A. need B. must C. should D. can
15. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I _______ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.
A. should have taken B. could have taken
C. needn’t have taken D. mustn’t have taken
16. The teacher _______ have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn’t have wasted time on him, I suppose.
A. should B. can C. would D. must
17. My MP4 player isn’t in my bag. Where _______ I have put it?
A. can B. must C. should D. would
18. The biggest problem for most plants, which ___ just get up and run away when threatened, is that animals like to eat them.
A. shan’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t
19. — She looks very happy. She _______ have passed the exam.
— I guess so. It’s not difficult after all.
A. should B. could C. must D. might
20. I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I _______ have driven her there.
A. could B. must C. might D. should
1. B。should 后接动词完成式表示“本来应该做某事,结果未做”,此处含有责备之意。but you should have asked me first的意思是“你本来应该先问我一声的”。
2. B。对过去情况的肯定推测,宜用“情态动词 + 动词完成式”,再根据句意,可确定答案为B。注:can 表示推测通常不用于肯定陈述句。
3. B。表示过去可能发生而实际上未发生的事,用“might +动词完成式”,不用“may+动词完成式”。若只是推测过去可能已经发生的事,则可用“may [might] + 动词完成式”,如:He may [might] have gone. 他可能已经走了。
4. A。根据下文的 will be 可知,“他考试不及格”是将来的事,据此可排除B和D。再根据语意,排除C。
5. D。从时间上看,由于是昨天没来开会,所以推测“他生病”也应是昨天,故排除A和C。从语境上看,既然上文说I’m not so sure,那么说明说话者对自己的推测没有很大把握,故选D。
6. C。根据上文的过去时态可知,此句谈的是过去的事,故排除A和C。根据语境排除D。You could have helped me的意思是“你本来可以帮帮我的(但你却没有帮)”。
7. B。比较:needn’t have done意为“本来不必做某事”,may not have done意为“(过去)可能没有做某事”,shouldn’t have done意为“本来不应该做某事”(must表推测时不用于否定式)。根据句意,显然只能选B。
8. D。将四个选项分别置于句中,比较句意的通顺性,可知填should最佳。
9. A。Shall I…? 意为“要我……吗?”,又如:Shall I help you? 要不要我帮你的忙? Do you want a bath at once, or shall I have mine first? 你马上洗澡还是我先洗?
10. C。因为她“不会”唱歌,所以我才没有邀请她去参加晚会。句中填can’t最通顺。
11. B。以Must开头的疑问句,在作肯定回答时通常要用must或have to,如:Must we bring our passports with us? 我们必须带护照吗?—Yes, you must. 是的,你们必须要带。
12. D。must在此表示坚持或固执,又如:After I gave her my advice,she must go and do the opposite. 在我给她出主意之后她偏反着干。
13. B。must在此表示坚持或固执,if you must的意思是“如果你一定要说的话,你就说吧”。
14. D。can在此表示希望或建议,可译为“能够”“可以”,如:We can eat out if you like. 如你愿意,我们可以出去吃。
15. C。needn’t have done的意思是“本来不必做某事”(但实际上做了)。又如:You needn’t have been staying up so late. 你本来无需待到这么晚还不睡的。You needn’t have mentioned it. 你没有必要提及此事的。
16. D。“must+have+过去分词”表示对过去情况的肯定推测。句意为:我想,老师一定认为约翰逊是值得教的,要不然她就不会在他身上浪费时间了。
17. A。can在此表推测,“can+have+过去分词”表示对过去情况的推测,主要用于否定式或疑问句中。句意为:我的MP4不在包里,我会把它放到哪里去了呢?
18. B。can在此表示能力,can’t表示“不能”。此题所考查的知识点比较简单,但由于句子结构比较复杂,所以许多学生不是由于没有弄清知识点而误选,而是由于不理解句意而误选。全句意为:对于大多数植物来说,它们所面临的最大问题是(有些)动物喜欢以它们为食物,而当它们受到威胁时却不能起身逃跑。
19. C。“must+have+过去分词”表示对过去情况的肯定推测。由于“她看上去气色不错”,而且“考试也不难”,所以她一定是通过了考试。
20. D。比较:“could+have+过去分词”的意思是“本来可以”“本来应该”“本来能够”;“must+have+过去分词”的意思是“一定已经”;“might+have+过去分词”的意思是“本来可以”“本来可能”;“should+have+过去分词”的意思是“本来应该”。根据句意,显然只有D最佳。
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