
What is new slimming fashion
Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue. It can occur unintentionally due to an underlying disease or can arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state.
The least intrusive weight loss methods and those most often recommended are adjustments to eating patterns and increased physical activity, generally in the form of exercise. Physicians will usually recommend that their overweight patients combine a reduction of processed foods and caloric content of the diet with an increase in physical activity.
An increase in fiber intake is also recommended for regulating bowel movements.
Other methods of weight loss include use of drugs and supplements that decrease appetite, block fat absorption, or reduce stomach volume. Application of such medications, however, should only be performed under the strict supervision of a physician and/or specialist.
Finally, surgery (i.e. bariatric surgery) may be used in more severe cases to artificially reduce the size of the stomach, thus limiting the intake of food energy.
Dietary supplements, though widely used, are not considered a healthy option for weight loss. Even though a wide array of these products is available to the public, very few are effective long terms.
Bariatric surgery is usually considered a last resort in treating severe obesity and it consists of two main procedures: gastric bypass and gastric banding.
Virtual gastric band uses hypnosis to make the brain think the stomach is smaller than it really is and hence lower the amount of food ingested. This brings as a consequence weight reduction. This method is complemented with psychological treatment for anxiety management and with hypnopedia. In 1996 a study revealed that hypnosis reinforced with cognitive-behavioral therapy was more effective than just CBT for weight reduction.
对减肥最有效的运动就是有氧运动(aerobic exercise),它能够帮助燃烧脂肪(fire panic),提高人体新陈代谢(metabolism)。想减肥的朋友们记得多做些户外健身运动。对减肥最有效的运动就是有氧运动,尤其是消耗能量较多的运动,例如慢跑(jogging)、爬山(mountain climbing)、快步走、球类运动、游泳等,每次运动最好一次持续做完,中间不要停止,且每次运动消耗热量(calorie)须达300千卡,通常这种运动量会造成心跳加快或流汗的程度。运动会提高人体的新陈代谢率,但其效果最多只有两天,因此运动最重要的是要持之以恒(persevere),如果不能每天做,最少也要两天做一次。对于一个很胖的人来说,即使是走路可能都是很大负担,因此选择运动种类时,要量力而为,还以身体能负荷(load)为主,逐渐加大运动量,以免心脏肺脏负荷不了,或是肌肉关节(muscle and joint)受伤。
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