

Helen : We are also willing to improve the design of our first shipment of Smart-Trainincluding those already sold by adding to each train rail a small bolt to prevent itfrom collapsing. The bolts are ready for hipment now and we are willing to send a crew to your place for the instal-lation, if necessary. We apologize for all the troubles brought to you and thosewho have brought the toys in question.And we appreciate your understandingand patience in the whole process. At thesame time, we are happy to see that we have onsolidated our partnership in this process by working together to face the challenges. Our goal is to fix the prob lems, improve the existing systems and earn trust and loyalty from our customers and there is no easy way to escape the problems. These problems have helpedSmartoys to learn from mistakes, a natural process to grow mature, so that the same mistake will not occur in future.

海伦:我们愿意改进首批生产的智能玩具火车 (包括已经售出的)的设计,为轨道增加一个小螺钉,以防发生翻车。这些螺钉现在即可装运,如果需要,我们愿意派人去您那里帮忙安装。对于给贵方及购买了有问题玩具的顾客所带来的麻烦,我们深表歉意。非常感谢您在此过程中所给予的理解与耐心。同时我们也欣喜地发现通过共同面对挑战,我们进一步加强了双方的合作。我们旨在解决问题,改进现有体系,取得客户信任与忠诚。而且这些问题是无可回避的。这些问题也有助于斯玛特公司从错误中学习,也是公司成熟起来自然要经历的一个过程,这样以后类似的失误就不会再发生。


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