


如何写好商务 英语 信函




1. 称呼,Opening

2. 首段(多为提及上次信件或本封信的目的),The first paragraph

3. 信的主体(根据内容分段)Body

4. 最后一句话(期待回函或见面)Final sentence

5. 结束语 closing phrase

6. 姓名 Name

7. 职位(根据需要决定是否写职位)Position



商务英语当中表示请求时可以用问句来表示写信人的客气,如:Could you please send us recent updates of. 另外就是使用套句,如:We would be grateful if you could please send…


在告诉其他人信息时,不要直接就说出信息的内容,如:Just to letyou know that…而是遵循商务英语的语言方式和风格,We are pleased to inform you that…


不要说Call me if you need moreinformation。而是需要用正式的说法 Forfurther information, please contact our sales office


See you next week! 这类的话非常的随意,因此要注意使用的场合。We look forward to hearing from you. 这样的句子是非常正式的。


我们日常信函中经常会说Best regards Best wishes,但是在正式的商务英语中要说Yours sincerely。




言语交流是人类特有的一种活动, 它具有多种功能, 其中最重要的是传递信息。语言交际活动是一种有目的、有意图的活动, 它所要传递的是交际者的意图。在言语交流中, 交际者总是采用一定的方式或手段, 把一定的信息传递给一定的交际对象。

在语言学上, 表达信息的方式或手段被称为言语载体, 比如演讲、书报、信函等。将语言与经济联系起来考虑, 源于法国巴黎大学的教授安德烈·马丁内( Andre'Martinet) 的语言演变经济论和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的经济学教授雅可·马夏克( JacobMarschak) 的语言经济学的思想。[1]安德烈·马丁内在解释语言演变时提出:“在保证语言完成交际功能的前提下, 人们自觉或不自觉地对言语活动中力量的消耗做出合乎经济要求的安排。”

其主要内容有: 言语活动中存在着从内部促使语言运动的力量, 这种理论可以归结为人的焦虑和表达的需要与人在生理上( 体力上) 和精神上( 智力上) 的自然惰性之间的基本冲突。

交际和表达的需要始终在发展、变化, 促使人们产生更多、更新、更复杂、更有推动作用的语言单位( 符素和音位) , 而人在各方面表现出来的惰性则要求在言语活动中尽可能减少力量的消耗, 使用比较少的、省力的、已经熟悉的或比较习惯了的, 或者具有较大普遍性的语言单位。

这两方面相互冲突, 使得语言处于经常发展变化当中, 并且总能在成功完成交际功能的前提下, 达到相对平衡和稳定。


商务英语是以英语作为语言媒介、以商务知识为核心的一种专用英语(English for SpecificPurposes 即ESP), 属应用语言学的范畴。它的形成既是世界经济形势发展的需要, 又是语言学的革命。

商务英语在我国起步虽然较晚, 但近年来随着全球经济的发展和我国加入世贸组织, 对外联系和信息交流的日趋频繁使得商务英语的使用越来越广泛, 尤其是英文信函作为商务信息交流的主要手段, 贯穿于外贸业务的全部流程, 起着非常关键的桥梁和纽带作用。商务函电的内容涉及业务的洽谈或安排、有关协议或合同的签订等重要环节。

由于不是面对面的沟通, 因此商务信函交际的双方更要在遣词造句等方面做到字斟句酌, 铺设好沟通的轨道, 以提高沟通的质量与效果, 最终达到双方交流的顺畅和理解。[2]下面从商务英语信函语体的三个主要特点对其经济性进行论述。



1. 特此奉告等

To inform one of; to say; to state; to communicate; to advise one of; to bring to one's notice (knowledge); to lay before one; to point out; to indicate; to mention; to apprise one of; to announce; to remark; to call one's attention to; to remind one of; etc.

1. We are pleased to inform you that

2. We have pleasure in informing you that

3. We have the pleasure to apprise you of

4. We have the honour to inform you that (of)

5. We take the liberty of announcing to you that


6. We have to inform you that (of)

7. We have to advise you of (that)

8. We wish to inform you that (of)

9. We think it advisable to inform you that (of)

10. We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that (of)

11. We take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice

12. Please allow us to call your attention to

13. Permit us to remind you that (of)

14. May we ask your attention to

15. We feel it our duty to inform you that (of)

2. 为(目的)奉告某某事项

1. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that (of)

2. The purport of this line is to advise you that (of)

3. The object of the present is to report you that

4. The object of this letter is to tell you that

5. By this letter we Purpose to inform you that (of)

6. Through the present we wish to intimate to you that

7. The present serves to acquaint you that

3. 惠请告知某某事项等

1. Please inform me that (of)

2. Kindly inform me that (of)

3. Be good enough to inform me that (of)

4. Be so good as to inform me that (of)

5. Have the goodness to inform me that (of)

6. Oblige me by informing that (of)

7. I should be obliged if you would inform me that (of)

8. I should be glad if you would inform me that (of)

9. I should esteem it a favour if you would inform me that (of)

10. I will thank you to inform me that (of)

11. You will greatly oblige me by informing that (of)

12. We shall be obliged if you will inform us that (of)

13. We shall be pleased to have your information regarding (on, as to; about)

14. We shall deem it a favour if you will advise us of

15. We shall esteem it a high favour if you will inform us that (of)

4. 特确认,本公司某月某日函件等

1. We confirm our respects of the 10th May

2. We confirm our letter of the 10th of this month

3. We confirm our last letter of the 10th June

4. We had the pleasure of writing you last on the 10th of this month

5. We confirm our respects of the 10th June

6. We confirm the remarks made in our respects of the 10th July

7. We confirm the particulars of our enquiry by telephone of this morning

8. In confirming our telegram of this morning, --

9. Confirming our respects of the 10th May,---

10. Confirming our last of the 10th June,---

5. 贵公司某月某日函电,敬悉等

1. We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your esteemed favour of the 3rd May

2. We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the lst June

3. We have to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 5th July

4. Your letter of May 5 was very welcome

5. We regret to hear of (that)

6. It is with great regret that we just learn that

7. Much to our regret we have heard that

8. We regret to receive your information re

9. We regret that we have been informed that (of)

10. To our deep regret we were informed that (of)



What to say when you send information.


Lingua Services Galactic Ltd

69 Milk Street, LONDON SW7 6AW

Tel: +44 20 123 4567

Fax: +44 20 765 4321

Email: jb@linguaservices.ga

6 November 20--

Ms Andrea Philips

Dreamtime Movies Ltd

54 Oxford Road



Dear Ms Philips

Translation Services & Fees

Thank you for your letter of 4 November enquiring about our translation services.

Lingua Services Galactic offer a full range of translation services to help you in the development of sales literature and web sites. I have pleasure in enclosing our latest brochures and price list from which you can see that our prices are highly competitive.

I look forward to calling you in a few days.

Yours sincerely

James Brown

James T Brown

Sales Manager

Enc: 3
