

  It is true that there is increasing pressure on schools today to prepare their students for work in the twenty-first century. As a result, physical education is losing ground in the school curriculum to employment-related subjects like business and some academic subjects. While many see this shift as inevitable, I would argue that physical education is a vital part of the school program and should be maintained. Sport and PE add variety to the curriculum, broaden the students' experience and teach essential life skills.
  Within the school day, students need physical activity to balance the long hours sitting at desks. PE provides a break from the mental focus of academic subjects. A good PE program should include a variety of sports plus non-competitive activities like dance and aerobics so that students can experience exercise as both challenging and fun.
  There is a growing concern among parents and educators about obesity in children.
  Many young people have sedentary lifestyle that revolves around TV, computers andbeing driven in cars. Physical education ensures that all students get some form of regular exercise during the school day. In addition, they learn about the importance of looking after their bodies.
  In conclusion, physical education programs in schools are not only worth maintaining, but should also be developed. Only in this way, can students be happier, healthier and more productive at school. They will grow into adults who value fitness and enjoy participating in sport. These are lessons for a lifetime, as important as any subject on the school curriculum.



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