


雅思 口语描述关于健康的文章



口语Part2出现了一道新题:Please describe something you do to keep healthy.乍一看,貌似有点陌生,但是关键词keep healthy却是口语经久不衰的高频topic,所以这道题就自然转化为how to keep healthy?这样是不是立马亲切多啦!

“烤鸭”们可以从do physical exercise来拓展一个运动类活动。

For example: recently, i go cycling on weekends with my bros along river bank nearby my apartment. Every time i go cycling, i sweat and feel energetic. More surprisingly,i find myself more focused on academic studies after cycling. In the meanwhile, it helps me lose weight effectively, which turns out to be a bonus of this exercise.

除了运动,大家还可以从balanced diet角度来拓展。

e.g. another change is that i have abandoned junk food like french fries which is greasy and salty. Instead, i have shifted to a balanced diet consisting of vegetables, staple, fruits, beef and dairy. Like mom used to say"an apple a day keeps the doctor away", i eat fresh fruits of all kinds in season, which is a real treat in my daily life.

当然,除了以上两点,脑洞大的“烤鸭”们还可以从mental health为切入口,发表一番心理健康学的高见。

Apart from physical aspects, it's awesome if we keep positive and optimistic towards life. After all, life is all about attitude.(sounds like cliche,hum偷笑中) Otherwise, it's very likely that people suffer from depression,anxiety or even despair, not to mention staying healthy.

当然,每个拓展的切入点还有很多素材去丰富其广度和深度,不过Part2只有短短的2分钟哦(原谅老司机就是辣么任性)。大家无需面面俱到,抓住一个highlight去develop in depth才是王道。



雅思口语话题:Describe an activity you do to keep fit or healthy:

You should say:

what the activity is

how often you do this activity

where you do this activity

and explain how this activity helps you keep fit or healthy

Key words:

white-collar 白领的

keep fit 保持(身体)健康

Latin 拉丁的

cha-cha-cha 恰恰舞

rumba 伦巴舞

samba 桑巴舞

gym 健身房

benefit 有益于

obvious 明显的

lose weight 减肥

bowel movement 排便

energetic 有活力的

accompany 伴奏,陪伴

spiritual enjoyment 精神享受

superstitious 迷信的

Sample Answer:

As a white-collar worker, I often sit in office, so doing some activities to keep fit is very much necessary. A useful activity that I keep doing is Latin dance. I have learned cha-cha-cha, rumba, samba, etc. So I often invite some of my friends as my partners and we dance in a gym close to my home every weekend. I began to do this activity four years ago and I have benefited from this a lot.

The very direct and obvious thing is that I have successfully lost weight. My bowel movement is really regular and I always feel energetic in working and life. More enjoyably, Latin is always accompanied with music, which is a kind of spiritual enjoyment or head trip. So I’m always in good mood every time after dancing. Most importantly, since I kept this habit, I have become more and more confident and a lot of things go very well. Though this is a little bit superstitious, I will continue to do Latin in the following days.




Describe an activity you do to keep fit.


You should say:

What the activity is

When, where you usually do it

How you do it

and explain why it can keep you fit.




怎样运动:自行车是一项随时都能进行的运动(fit cycling into my daily routine seamlessly),平时骑车上下班,下班后也可以骑车锻炼,有时周末骑行五六十英里短途旅行。


Sample answer:

Well, I’m sure I’m not the only one guilty(内疚的) of owning a gym membership that sits gathering dust (布满灰尘)in a drawer(抽屉) somewhere. I get my exercise mainly from cycling.

I can’t remember exactly(确切地) when I started cycling, but it was when I was around 5 or 6 years old. My dad taught me by pushing me down a hill and wishing me luck! There were a few bumps(肿块) and bruises(擦伤) to begin with, but eventually I was riding all by myself and you know what they say, you never forget how to ride a bike.

I lack the motivation(动力) to go to the gym regularly, but I can fit cycling into my daily routine seamlessly(不间断地). What’s more, I never get bored of being in the saddle. I ride to and from work and sometimes go out for longer rides on my days off. In fact, it’s not unheard of for me to slip on a pair of Lycra shorts and take a 50 or 60 mile jaunt on a weekend.

Cycling is a great way to keep fit as it burns calories(燃烧卡路里) and there is less impact on your joints than other sports, such as running. As well as my body, cycling could help my mind. Some people say it helps you sleep longer and more deeply, in addition to reducing stress, all of which can only be a good thing.



首先,引入主题,你觉得最健康的饮食习惯是什么呢?——大家都知道这个熟语,但是很多人却不知道如何表达“早餐多吃,午餐吃饱,晚餐少吃”(A king-size breakfast, a medium-size lunch and a modest-size dinner is the healthiest diet!),所以词汇积累很重要;试着多吃水果和蔬菜,因为他们含有丰富的维他命和营养物质,而且低热量,是十分健康的食物。把这两方面表述清楚了,那么你的口语功底也是能够凸显出来的,应该具备一定的词汇基础的。

然后,会进入主题:你喜欢水果和蔬菜吗? 可以根据具体的喜好来回答,说明原因,这里是非常重要的,因为这里很可能觉得考官对你的提问方向。





1.a highly nutritious breakfast 一顿高营养的早餐

2.a medium-size lunch 中餐吃饱

3. a modest-size dinner 晚餐吃少

4. “A king-size breakfast, a medium-size lunch and a modest-size dinner is the healthiest diet!”

5. be rich in vitamins and minerals含有丰富的维生素和矿物质

6. have a calorie-controlled diet 一个控制卡路里射人的饮食结构

7. being on a diet 节食

8. being on a crash diet 绝食

9. be addicted to 对……特上瘾

10. never fail to make my mouth water 总能让我流口水
