

  a broken spirit心灰意冷,消沉的意志
  a creative spirit创造精神
  a devoted spirit献身精神
  a forgiving spirit宽容的精神
  a man of spirit精神饱满的人
  a patriotic spirit爱国精神
  a rebellious spirit叛逆精神
  a self-helping spirit自助精神
  an adventurous spirit fit'险精神

  be inquiring spirit爱追根究底的精神
  be down in spirits情绪低落
  be vexed in spirit内心感到烦恼
  be young in spirit朝气蓬勃
  boost one's spirit振作精神
  break one's spirit挫伤锐气
  catch the spirit of the day抓住时代精神
  crush one's spirit将某人的精神压垮
  cultivate the spirit of boldness and fearlessness培养大无畏的精神.

  democratic spirit民主精神
  depress one's spirit使某人的情绪低落
  develop a self-reliant spirit发扬自力更生的精神.
  display/show the spirit of selflessness表现出忘我的精神.
  droop [dru:p](精神)不振
  enliven one's spirit使精神愉快
  entertain no spirit of revenge不存报复之心.
  exhibit a spirit of liberality and reasonableness.表现出宽容和通情达理的气魄
  fighting spirit战斗精神
  flagging spirits萎靡不振的精神
  foster the spirit of gambling助长赌博的风气.
  heighten one's spirits使情绪高涨
  heroic spirit英雄气概

  in a bad spirit心情不佳
  in a businesslike spirit以务实的精神
  in a philosophical spirit以达观的态度
  in a responsible spirit以负责任的精神
  in an impartial spirit不偏不倚的态度
  in an objective spirit以客观的态度
  in cheerful spirits心情愉快
  in excellent spirits情绪极好
  in good/fine spirits心情很好
  in low/poor spirits情绪低落.意志消沉
  in spirits兴致勃勃
  in the true scientific spirit以真正的科学态度.
  indomitable and tireless spirit一往无前和坚韧不拔的精神.

  keep up one's spirits振作精神
  lack military spirit缺乏军人气概
  lose one's spirit垂头丧气
  national spirit民族精神
  of an independent spirit有独立精神
  one of the greatest spirits of the day当今伟大的人物之一.
  out of spirits没精打采
  Party spirit党性
  pluck up/summon up one's spirits打起精神.鼓起勇气.

  raise one's spirits打起精神来
  reflect the spirit of the times反映时代精神.
  say in a kind spirit和颜悦色地说
  stir (up) one's spirit振作精神
  strong and mighty in spirit精神上坚强有力.
  the cooperative spirit 合作的精神
  the frontier spirit 拓荒精神,开拓精神
  the life of the spirit精神生活
  the pioneering spirit首创精神
  the pious spirit虔诚精神
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