
  a cold drizzle of rain寒冷的细雨
  a copious rain大量的雨
  a drenching rain大雨
  a driving rain瓢泼大雨
  a fine/thin rain细雨
  a gentle rain柔和的细雨
  a heavy downfall of rain降大雨
  a heavy rain大雨
  a heavy/drenching downpour倾盆大雨
  a light rain小雨
  a rain of bullets一阵弹雨
  a rainbow following the summer rain夏天下雨后的彩虹.
  a rainy season多雨的季节
  a sharp rain急雨
  a storm in the mountains山雨
  a stormy night暴风雨之夜
  a stormy region多暴风雨的地区
  a stormy summer多暴风雨的夏天
  a summer rain夏季的雨
  a timely/seasonable rain及时雨,好雨
  a torrent of rain谤沱大雨
  a torrential rain骤雨
  a welcome rain 喜雨.及时雨
  amidst the drizzling rain在蒙蒙细雨中
  annual/yearly rainfall年降雨量

  bamboo shoots after a spring rain雨后春笋.
  be caught in a downpour遇上倾盆大雨
  be caught in the rain被雨淋了
  be damp from the rain被雨淋湿
  be drenched through with/by rain被雨淋透
  be rained out(比赛等)因下雨而取消
  be wet with rain被雨淋湿
  beat pouringly outside(雨)在外面倾盆而下
  beat/lash against the window panes敲打着窗玻璃.
  brave the pouring rain 下着倾盆大雨
  clothes wet with rain被雨淋湿的衣服
  come down in torrents大雨如注
  come on (雨)开始下
  confused falling of rain and snow 雨雪纷纷.
  continuous/constant rains 连绵不断的雨
  copious and well-distributed rainfall充足而分布均匀的降雨量.

  deluge 淹没
  dew 露
  downpour 倾盆大雨
  drench 浸泡
  drip through the ceiling从天花板上滴下来
  drive in the faces(雨)迎面扑来
  drizzle 小雨,下蒙蒙细雨
  excess of rain雨水过多
  fall on the grass(雨)落在草地上
  form a rainbow形成彩虹
  go out in/into the rain冒雨出去
  have a downpour倾盆大雨

  ignore the soaking rain不顾谤沱大雨
  in spite of the rain尽管下雨
  in the blinding rain在茫茫大雨中
  in the pelting rain在倾盆大雨中
  in the stormy weathc;在狂风暴雨的天气里
  intermittent rain时断时续的雨
  intermittently 间歇地,断断续续地
  keep out/off the rain挡雨
  leave off at daybreak(雨)破晓时停了
  let up(雨)停了
  look like rain看上去要下雨
  look like好像
  misty rain烟雨
  moderate rain中雨
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