

  如何用英语表达“喜欢…”在这生活中,此句是表示你喜欢某事或某人的常用句。这美句子类型很多,但都如此例句一祥,句型比较筒单.只是谓语动词用的单词各式各祥,如 adore,like,enjoy,care for,crazy about 等。下面我们就跟汉普森英语学校小编一起来看看详细的内容。

  1 have a fancy for that color. 我喜欢那种颜色。


  Collecting buttons is a lovely way to pass the time. 收集纽扣是一种令人愉快的消遣方法。

  I do like you accompanying me.我的确喜欢你陪件我。

  I don't think I've seen anything I like better. 我想我还没见过我更喜欢的东西呢。

  I love that design. 我喜欢那种图案。

  I really enjoy Shakespeare's Mid-summer Night' s Dream. 我确实喜爱莎士比亚的《仲夏夜之梦》。

  I'm very keen on outdoor sports.我非常各欢室外运动。

  I've always liked fishing.我一向喜欢钓鱼。

  Pony-trekking is a marvellous way of spending a day off.骑着小马溜达是一种消磨时间的极好方法。

  There's nothing I enjoy more than attending a party.我喜欢的莫过于参加聚会了。

  Water-skiing is very enjoyable. 滑水橇非常受人喜欢。


  I fancy that dress. 我喜欢那件衣服。

  I really care for that dog. 我真的喜欢那条狗。

  I really go for oyster. 我真的喜欢牡蛎。

  I'm crazy about skating. 我对溜冰着了迷。

  I'm head over heels about the dress. 我极喜欢这件衣服。

  I'm mad about that man.那个男于叫我神魂颠倒。

  I'm nuts about fancy di ving Ail 我迷恋花样跳水。

  I'm really sold on these dishes.我真的迷上了这些菜肴。

  Your story is really great. 你的故事真实好极了。


  I can't find words to express how much I like it.我无法用语言表达我多么喜欢它。

  I have a particular fondness for pop song. 我特别喜欢流行歌曲。

  I'm really very fond of collecting rare books. 我确实很喜欢收集海内外珍本。

  Walking is one of my favorite pastimes.散步是我喜欢的消遣之一。

  What I most enjoy is painting. 我喜欢的是绘画。


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